

Ask @andinakukaj

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What do you think is the secret to a happy life:)?

I don't think there's really a secret, I guess just do whatever makes you happy at all times and don't pay any attention to anything that can bring you down or ruin your mood...like the haters lol

All right i gotta go but i fun talking to you, it seems you're a really beautiful cool girl. Bye :) Maybe we'll talk tomorrow:)

Awww thank you!! Ok byee :)

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If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?:)

Damnn your questions are hard! But umm they'd all have to be hot so I'd pick Brendon Thwaites, Evan Peters, and Andy Biersack ;)

What is your favorite ice cream flavor :)?

Ice cream is my #1 love but I'll have to go with the classic vanilla lol

What is the best movie you have ever seen?

I really can't pick one but one of my all time favorites is Grown Ups!

What was the last thing you regret buying lol?

Wow I haven't gone shopping in a while lol but I kinda regret buying these gray jeans from Forever 21 because they're so uncomfortable and unflattering -_-

What is your favorite social networking site:)?

I really can't pick just one lol I love Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram the most though!

What's the best piece of advice you have received :) ?

Umm I'm not really sure to be honest like I don't usually ask for advice, I just give it to others :)

What was your favorite toy as a child :)?

My barbies and dolls for a damn fact! I had freaking loads omg my whole basement was filled with them along with all of their accessories...it was great :')

Thanks so what's the most craziest thing you have ever done?

Haha I should be thanking you for the questions! But it has to be getting a nose piercing and stretching my ears I guess...I'm such a rebel, I knowwww

I am bored so, if i am bothering you i can leave.

NO DON'T LEAVE! I'm bored too and you're freaking entertaining lol

What is it one talent you wish you'd be born with?

I wish I was born with the ability to freaking sing or act...life would be so much damn easier if I was talented in those areas like I'd be able to be youtube famous or something. I'm loving these questions btw lol

If you could be invisible for a day what would you do lol?

Stalk people...I mean who wouldn't? I'd love to see how people act in their natural habitats when they're not around others hahah I sound like a freaking zoologist lol

What makes you laugh the most?

Everything and anything will make me laugh to be honest, even if it's not funny according to others lol

What would you do if you meet an alien?

See if they can pee out of their fingers like in Scary Movie 3 and if they do, I would become their friend by feeding them roadkill

Dammn girl you're a genius it's like you're reading my mind.(no sarcasm)

Shawtyy ju already know doeee but thank you, I try I try

I don't know why you always get so insecure,I wish you could see what i see when you looking in the mirror, and why won't you believe me when i say, that to me you get more beautiful every day :)

Cute Big Time Rush quote hahah

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I have no damn clue :/


Language: English