

Ask @andinakukaj

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Not that I'm happy that you got hurt lol just i imagine you standing at the top and tripping on air and falling lol

That's pretty much how it went to be honest hahaha but I understand what you meant don't worry :)

Damn why did you ride that bike? Did it hurt for those following years?

I didn't ride it, I was just like sitting on it and trying to balance myself against a wall and then I slipped forward since the bike decided to fall at that moment and it hurt for like a couple days but then the following years it was just inflated, not hurting

Worst injury?

Um falling on a bike that had no handles so I like legit hurt the side of my neck with the metal part where the handles set attaches to the whole bike and it caused the side of my neck to continually swell up every time I spoke for years...idk how to explain it lol

Test for bio? What do you have to do for calc? do you like that class

Yessirrr and a study guide! No, not really lol

Do you have everything done for tomorrow? Or you didn't have any?

I'm in the process of studying for bio & then I'm gonna do my calc work lol

You do all your homework or are you not that kinda niqqa

I do all my homework all the time haha I'm that kinda nigga


Language: English