

Ask @andinakukaj

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lol thanks, what about you? what college you plan in going to after school?

UCONN or Quinnipiac in CT lol

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haha i prolly got a whole other different education system, but im at college :P

Haha most likely and niceee! Which college you go to?

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

Having quality time with family and friends <3

stop saying lol, still a whore, and last i love u

That makes no sense and I'm not a whore, asshole

ur telling ppl ur bra size

No you idiot that's obviously not my freaking bra size, does 34 H even exist? lol

that's awesome! what colleges are you thinking about going to?

Thanks!! As of right now I'm thinking of UCONN or Quinnipiac!

college thoughts?

Most likely medical field but I'm still debating whether to go for speech therapy or some type of engineering

haha, you sure should thank her for picking a unique name for such a unique girl like you :x

I guess I should hahaha aww thanksss :*

heh again no probs :P, umm you don't know me just saw your pic on stream thought i could tell you that you're pretty :x

AWWWW thank youuu!! I appreciate it <3

nah, it's just you're too sweet that you see everyone else sweet <3

Hahaha thanks bruhhh :') now can you tell me who you are? lol

you're really beautiful, your smile just made me smile :)

Awww thank youu, I'm glad it did :* :*


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