

Ask @andinakukaj

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Good afternoon Ms beautiful, how are you today?

Aww good afternoon kind sir, I'm actually great hbu? :)

But im sure if other guys saw you they would think the same way I do that you are an amazing beautiful girl.

I sure hope so haha but you're so precious, thank youu :*

Yep all of them have been from me and I enjoy when I give you compliments.

Aww you're too kind, if only I knew who you were thoughhhhh...that'd be great!

How do you feel when you get all these comments from guys?

You really wanna know? Well there are three feelings. 1) I feel like they're joking or playing a sick game most of the time so I usually feel sad...don't even ask lol 2) There are the good days when I am literally an emotional little bitch and the comments make my life and make me beyond excited. And 3) I obviously am happy and grateful as hell because they actually do mean a lot lol but I feel like the comments are coming only from one guy on here so it's not really "guys" lol

Is that friend you keep talking about on twitter close to you?

Really close lol my tweets don't usually involve one person though, they're mostly about two or more people or just people in general

Po ma thane faleminders a me gjithe njarzve qe me kantrbune se paz zotine madh na me ndihmojne.

Em fal po hiq spo di qka je tu than

A ka me ardh njeru ketu ne bushat se ka mer zjar kat ne shpia po mo bjen makaro nga qiell. :)

Spo di a me thon faleminderit a jo? Hahah

You're a shining sun for everyone, as beautiful as a rose.

Aww thank you! You're so cute, it hurtssss

You can never get bored with a girl like you,look at you,do you know how beautiful you are lol ?

I've seen from mirrors and pics but no I actually am not lol thanks though :)


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