
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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What is the best thing to sleep with? (I mean, like pillows. Not other things or some other funny ideas...)

ahh ...? yeah, pillows are nice

Do you keep up with YouTube cover...singer...people (bonus q: what's the correct term?), like Amalee? If so, what'd you think of her April Fools songs?

Michael James
Not at the moment because I've been really busy with life

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What are your thoughts on people's April's Fools Day Pranks involving pretending that you are interested in doing things with them only to end up not doing them?

That's kinda fucked up tbh

Should two depressed people ever be together?

I don't know if they /should/ be together or /shouldn't/ - but I don't see why there can't be a chance for that to happen?

Is it possible to spread depression?

Uh, no. Definitely not - at least, not to what I know, lol.
I mean. You can spread bad/negative vibes maybe, but I don't think you can spread depression itself ...?

If you had to trade one skill you had for a new skill (and it can be ANYTHING humanly possible), what would it be, and would you actually go through with the trade?

well I don't have any particular skills I'd trade and/or want so ... idk. I think I'm aight

What is the worst possible outcome for a story?

Eh, there's a million things I could mention. But the worst thing for me is if you have an ending that doesn't match up whatsoever to the plot that preceded it.
Liked by: Caren

Is forgetting something ever a good idea? And if so, what is the best way to forget?

Yes? Depending on the circumstances?
Find something better to do / distract yourself with. :)
Liked by: Caren

Is it possible for someone's negative attitude on relationships and their constant discussion of how they're never get married lead to the end of a relationship?

Mm, yeah. I'd say it's possible. Not definite, but it does elevate the risks of it ending greatly (which, not to be rude, I kind of question how they got into a relationship in the first place..?)
I mean, discussing things is fine from time to time. That means communication is present, which is good thing imo? But you shouldn't constantly bring bad vibes, is all. That isn't good for anyone. ;c
Liked by: Caren

Happy April fools .I hope you get pranked and prank someone too

thanks LOL I don't think I really pranked anyone tho. nor did I get pranked. so ye
Liked by: mleaVictor

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should." What does this mean to you?

Just cause you're capable of doing something doesn't mean you're always obligated to fulfill it in someway? idk

What is the most cliched romantic thing that can happen?

idk buddy there's a lot of cliche shit outta there. the only one i can think of is when someone starts aggressively making out with someone against a wall or w/e to shut the other person up after they argue or something LOL

I'm sick. Please make me better. ;-; Its been so long since I last sang or voiced for work and i'm so sad ;-;

this is a month late but I hope you were able to heal!!


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