
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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What's been your greatest discovery on the web?

Hm. Vocaloid / YouTube probably? because wow look where I've ended up

If someone (not a famous youtaite) ask you for a duet, would you do it?

Again, like my past answers, regardless of who that person is: just ask & I'll see if I have time. But yes. I will take up any duets, lmao. (Probably my last time answering this kind of question)
Liked by: Jefferz

Where is the best place for a vacation?

Mm take me somewhere where the weather is pleasant + there is good food all around.

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

A ... ha. A chance? Though I probably never had it in the first place.

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

I've taught people how to swim before & that was fun! But apparently I've been teaching more of my friends slang and idk if I can be proud of that wee p s --
Liked by: Jefferz

Which is worse, being too hot or too cold?

This is hard. Bc too hot, I don't want to melt. But then too cold, I don't want to lose any of my fingers ;;__;;;

Current song you're listening to?

さよならスイングバイ / sayonara swing-by (electrical flowlight remix) by Camellia!

How fast do you fall out of love?

Either really fast or suuuuuuper duper slow. Depends on the person. There is no in between, LOL.

whats ur greatest regret?

Not stopping things while I could have. Not taking chances that were there for me. Knowing people that end up stabbing me in the back in the end, lmao.

What do you look like when you wake up in the morning?

like shit. LMAO. I'm not one of those girls who are graced with beauty from the moment they wake up ok


Language: English