
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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Who is Dan from League and why is he the best?

Is he the best? Last time I checked he was just some nerd I would talk to occasionally, www. (Hi Dan ilu <3)

How do you sing so clearly in your head voice? I've always found that mine is really whispery and comes out more as air in my recordings than proper notes. I think it's a problem with the way I'm singing rather than my voice itself so I was wondering if you had any tips/advice

Been a while since I've had to explain, but I'll do my best!! (Apologies for any confusion/if I don't answer your question.) For me, it was a lot of development & weening myself off bad habits to get to the sound I have now, haha.
You might have a problem figuring out what "support system" to use? Most "novice" singers find that their voice isn't one, connected sound. There are limits ━ "vocal breaks" as what most call them, because your body has to support high & low notes differently. Low notes need stronger breathing support from the belly ━ that is, you'll feel your singing resonate (produced) from either your stomach or chest. For the high notes, resonating takes place more within your mouth or head. Try figuring out where your chest voice starts "hitting the ceiling", that way you can find where you need to start switching gears, so to speak. c:
Hm ~ it could also be how your vocal chords may (or may not) be connecting? There's a million ways to explain this ━ but think of talking vs. whispering. When you're casually talking, your vocal chords are making "connections" to stop most of the air escaping, thus making a full sound. When you whisper, they're more "open," letting out more air, ending up with an airy quality. When you're singing, try to make the same connections with your chords as you would while you're talking. c: (Careful though: you shouldn't feel tense or strained when you're properly head-voicing.)
... Yeah. Sorry if this makes no sense / you still end up having that problem, orz" Don't know if I'll be hitting the limit on ask.fm questions soon ━ plus I think I suck at explaining this in one answer, LOL ; I could try to explain over skype / youtube messages if you want, but yeah!
Practice, really! Get to know your voice & how to support all the sounds you wanna make o uo)/

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Do you create the harmos in your CB groups? ; o ; I always see so many on the scripts and I'm just like dvistdhkehv how2makeharmos

Usually songs already have harmonies on them, it's just a matter of figuring them out and scripting them accordingly? Apologies for not really understanding the question here ;w;" Most often I can't be bothered to /create/ harmonies, but if you mean I'll sing them then sure xD

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Alleah-sama, who are the most interesting people you've met this year?

Woah, I get the -sama ending? Sweet. As for most interesting ... I don't really know! I've met a bunch of interesting people this year and I feel absolutely blessed to have gotten chance to work / hang out with them! C:

I'm new to the community and I don't know how to talk to other utaite. Do you have any tips on making friends in this community? I'm worried that because I'm not popular and I can't really do anything people won't like me.

Welcome to our community!!! C:
Honestly, the best way to go about this is just be genuine & real about yourself! Do to others what you want done to you, so be nice and polite when you converse with others. Start off with general topics like, what do you like, think is cool, etc. Greetings here and there could also go a long way & before you know it you'll have a group of people with a million things to talk about!
Don't worry about the popularity and all that other crap. In fact, don't even put it in your vocabulary. In the end we're all just a bunch of nerds singing and doing things online for fun, LOL. This applies to everyone from 100 subs to 1,000. So don't sweat it! Just have fun, be yourself and I'm sure you'll have a buncha people in no time, wwww.

I love your covers ESPECIALLY the Crack cover :L

thank you! and LOL crying over that o)-< b-but glad you like my voice!

“It’s Thursday; we’re staffing you on a telecommunications project in Calgary, Canada, on Monday. Your flight and hotel are booked; your visa is ready. What are the top five things you do before you leave?”

What-LOL. Um. Let's see. Get money for the trip, pack all my stuff, say bye to everyone, uh-- wait how did I even get on this project in the first place what the fuck

Should we read a lot of books?

Yes! (But only the good kind please) Books are magical! Books can be a getaway! Books can be a gateway to new ideas and knowledge! Books are very important please read more

What is one of your favorite foods?

I really love parfaits + crepe. And chicken. Shower me in them I will be your forever girl--

On a scale from 1 to 10 how weird are you?

Mmm. A solid 7? But like. That can jump up to a 10 if I'm lacking shit like ... coffee or sleep ...
Liked by: Jefferz

Why is the sky blue?

Because molecules in the air scatter the blue waves in the light more than the reds/yellows/etc. And honestly ask.fm just google this question for yourself!!


Language: English