
k*chan ♥ alleah

Ask @alleahxkchan

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If you had to pick one place in your town to bring a tourist, where would you go?

why would you come here LOL -- I guess i can take them to the bonchon or style sushi :9

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What's the weirdest item of clothing you own?

I don't ... really consider anything weird. My garterbelt I guess?

ohh~ HatSona Miku pfft~! her sustain is really strong~ uwaaa thresh~ I guess you like support role a lot~? *q*

LMAO!! I actually met a summoner on League with that name, god bless him HAHA. But yeah. As for roles, I like to stay bot lane! So both ADC + Support. :)

ohh who is your fav champ~? *q*

I really like Sona ^p^ Thresh too ... I just wish I knew how to play him, www.

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

I don't remember, LOL. something along the lines of betrayal or w/e

Camellia posted up a new song. Thoughts?

brUH I saw it nearly seconds after it was tweeted. AND ADSFLKJ AMAZING! CAMELLIA-SAN DOES IT AGAIN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you had more money than you ever need, would you give it away?

Well yeah LOL. I'll give some to charities + friends while I keep my share :7
Liked by: Iris

Have you ever thought about doing commissions?

I honestly did! But as of now I'm just focusing on working to make thing to actually show o)-<

hi k*chan! so I'm getting a new microphone, but I'm having a hard time deciding between the XLR or USB version of this mic. what do you prefer??

Hi! Err ... it depends. Two things I'd take into consideration are 1) how much money you're willing to spend & 2) the allotted space you have for set-up.
A USB mic should do just fine for normal covers. I think majority of the community uses USB mics? However, you want a bit more control over your sound & feel willing to spend the extra $$$, go for the XLR. :)

Any microphones you recommend?

'ey ~ I don't really know what your voice type or recording environment may be? But personally, I recommend my own mic, the AT2020. It's a great mic that goes around 100 ~ 150USD depending on where you look but it certainly gives you the most for your money. :)


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