

Ask @Princessasowm

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What kind of watch do you wear?

'Guess' but only when i go out. I usually dont, umm i hate wearing watches due to my small wrist?

Name one movie that made you cry. What was it about?

Titanic. I think you know what is it about. But i didn't really cry I just shed a couple of tears lol?
Liked by: Arika

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Who do you think is more stronger, the one with huge muscles or the one who wakes up in the middle of the night to pray?

Definetly the one who wakes up in the middle of the night and pray.

What do you think about introvert people? Are they boring? I'm one of them but I'm just wondering

Im the total opposite of an introvert, but though i think introverts are smart and quick-witted again. It is really great that you can be happy just by yourself and that people aren't always the reason of your happiness so its really fine to be shallow. On the other hand, sometimes I feel that they you are missing out, you got to engage a little bit with people around and deal with them to understand life more so u have to give yourself a little push and get out of the house. In conclusion, I see that what could work for other people may not work for you, and vice versa. Therefore as long as you're happy, nothing else matters??
Liked by: Layla Hossam Arika

I need opinion. I got a crush on my classmate. To get him to notice me, should I bake for him cupcakes to give him for his birthday? How should I give without anyone else notice it. Its embarrassing if others see it :( help please.

Let him make the first move. Crush thing is just a phase you'll get over on

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why?

I'd rather be never loved than being loved and lied/cheated on and left with a broken heart.

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Aw ameen , likewise sweetie<3


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