
Salsabila Shafa

Ask @salsashf

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I believe everyone has their own "favorite thing(s) on earth" (Remember, only thing(s) but not human being and only terrestrial things). Pap of yours and tell us why they are yours! happy sunday ❤🏃📺

gentamaulanaman’s Profile PhotoSour Mimosa
Couldn't find one. What about favorite things that can be seen from the earth? I would love to answer: Aurora Borealis. Too beautiful to be true. :"
I believe everyone has their own favorite things on earth Remember only things

Salsaaa thankyuuu ☝untuk jawabannya barusann , yess berasa punya teman hihi . Thankyuuu juga sma lagu nya "Say what you wanna say and let the words fall out" tapi buat semua itu butuh proses . Right ? Hehe😊 btw have a great night 😆

I’m happy to help. :)
Tbh, I can't figure out whether I am an Introvert or an Extrovert and maybe it's because I am actually an Ambivert wOw that's mean I can understand the struggles of both.
Ambivert can adapt well at which time they must be an Introvert or an Extrovert — one whose personality type is intermediate between Introvert and Extrovert. But, the negative side of this characteristics is they tend to be more sensitive and moody. ((Sigh))
I did a test and the results said that I am an Ambivert, but in other hand said that I am an Extrovert with some Ambivert function which it's quite confusing, lol.
However, it doesn't matter as long as we're happy with ourself right??? Thank you and have a great night too! <3

Hai salsa :) i'm the type of person yg kalo ketemu orang tuh malu2 bgt , i mean "pemalu" trus jd kyk malas ketemu orng baru/lama kenal sekali pun . kesannya kyk introvert . Ada saran ngak sih ? Thankyuuu sblmny 😊 !

Hi, there! I really understand your feelings ma chère, karena aku juga pernah mengalami hal tersebut (bahkan sampai sekarang dalam beberapa kejadian). Namun, semakin lama aku bersikap tertutup terhadap sekitarku, aku semakin sadar bahwa aku nggak bisa selamanya seperti itu.
Perlahan-lahan, aku pun belajar untuk lebih terbuka terhadap sekelilingku dan juga lebih berani show up ke orang-orang. Mungkin awalnya memang susah bagi seorang Introvert, tapi percayalah kalau rasa percaya diri itu penting asalkan tidak berlebihan – sama juga halnya dengan rasa malu, malu itu normal asal jangan terlalu malu atau malu-maluin.
Aku pernah kok, pernah banget malah ngalamin hal yang sama kayak kamu, malu sampai nggak mau ketemu sama orang baru bahkan orang lama. Dan saat itu aku nggak bisa apa-apa selain menghindar, tapi setelah kejadian itu aku menyesal: Kenapa sih aku harus menghindar?
“Coba kemarin gini gini gini… pasti nggak gini gini jadinya.” dsb. Setelah dipikirkan kembali kenapa aku harus malu yang berlebihan terhadap sesuatu yang bahkan belum pernah aku coba/mulai? Pokoknya kamu jangan sampai menyesal karena siapa tahu banyak kesempatan-kesempatan yang bisa kamu dapatkan dikemudian hari kalau seandainya kamu mulai memberanikan diri bertemu dengan orang banyak. :)
Anyhow, semua orang mempunyai cara tersendiri bagaimana untuk menyikapi permasalahan seperti yang kamu hadapi. Kalau aku mungkin lebih susah untuk say what I wanna say. I can be very uncomfortable being made to speak about something I am not sure about. Sehingga terkadang aku ngedumel sendiri di dalam hati “Ih, coba aku tadi ngomong gitu!” atau “Tuh kan jawaban kamu benar, kamu sih nggak berani ngomong.” Yha seperti itu, kemudian menyesal sampai menyalahkan diri sendiri terus down.
Nah, kalau sudah begitu ya aku cari pelampiasan lain kayak dengerin lagu sambil joget-joget. 'Sara Bareilles – Brave' always be my favorite song to cheer myself after a bad day!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUQsqBqxoR4salsashf’s Video 130198139216 QUQsqBqxoR4salsashf’s Video 130198139216 QUQsqBqxoR4
Wah, maafkeun jadi numpang curhat. B-but, that's it! Mungkin agak out of topic, tapi aku harap kamu mengerti dengan apa yang aku maksud. Nggak usah malu untuk berinteraksi bahkan untuk memulainya terlebih dahulu. Kalau bisa mulai sekarang cari kenalan sebanyak-banyaknya, it may be helped you someday. Don't be afraid, be brave and face it all! xx
(Aduh, berasa ngomong sama diri sendiri.)

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salsashf’s Video 130198139216 QUQsqBqxoR4salsashf’s Video 130198139216 QUQsqBqxoR4

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how much ur toefl score?

I'm going to do the TOEFL next week but just for the first practice in TOEFL class, let's just wait for it bb.

halo ka :) aku baru tau kalo kaka pengguna pasjel, aku sempat ingin pake tp ragu sm hasilnya.. apakah bener2 ngeffect yah? dan pasjel biru itu yg buat mencerahkan warna kulit kan? apa bener bener bisa? hehe thanks ka 😘

Halo! I think every lotions may give good benefits for our skin as long as we regularly use them. Sadly, I was too lazy to use Pasjel so yeah I couldn't see the results clearly. I suggest that it's better to use Nivea, Vaseline, Mustika Ratu or something like that because Pasjel quite pricey—if you have the same problem like me, ehe. :)
* I'm so sorry because the first answer accidentally deleted and I forget to re-answer.

tau ask.fm nya kevin kaharudin ga kak?

Lah, kan bisa tanya orangnya aja??? Nggak, dia nggak punya ask.fm. Your welcome.

Hai salsa. Salam kenal :) sorry for anon btw,bgaimana menurutmu cwek umur 19 tahun yg belum pernah pacaran ?

The question is are you okay with that? I mean, I don't know what the reason is or what you really feel about it.
In case sometimes you feel worried, there are so many reasons why you shouldn't worry if you haven't been in relationship yet.
That's normal and don't need to think about it too much. Just enjoy yourself! I'm sure you'll find someone you can be happy with.

kartu yang bagus buat iphone apa sih? btw kalian pake kartu apa?

Tergantung keuangan masing-masing, sih. Hehe. Kalau mau puas ena-ena bisa pakai Telkomsel. Walaupun mahal tapi worth it, kok! Kalau mau yang biasa-biasa aja (tapi juga lumayan) bisa pakai 3 atau XL. Tapi paketan XL nggak lama ini naik lagi, jadi mahalan lagi hiks sedih :(.
Liked by: Rania Faresa

can I asking something? what do you think about Jewish? why people in the worlds always judge Jewish. sorry about my question

ChaykaYeal’s Profile PhotoChayka Yeal
I believe that people see religion in a different light. From my perspective, we can't blame ethnic, religion, race, culture, etc. because none of those are the problem, people are.
I personally have no right to judge Jewish and other religions. Just because some people from one religion did something bad, doesn't mean the rest are also bad and terrible. Hopefully people will understand this. Have a good day, Yeal!

Waduh, ada fans MU, nih??? THR-nya banyak banget, ya. Tinggal nunggu penyerang dan centre-stopper ntap sudah. #TransferTalk

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Memang setelah lebaran nafsu belanja semakin menjadi-jadi (lah curhat).
Yha, tapi nggakpapalah setidaknya dua pemain lagi, yang penting sih semoga berkah untuk kedepannya! 😇

minal aidin ya salsa! selamat lebaran juga hehe mohon maaf klo ada salah2 kata selama ini.

bramantyo17’s Profile PhotoBramantyo Sastrowiranoe
Wah, ada kak Tyo! (Btw, thank you for sharing good information and interesting stories on your ask.fm. It honestly made my day.)
May this Eid bring a lot of blessings, peace and happiness to all of us. Keep up the good work, kak! :)


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