
Solida Chem

Ask @silentkokoro

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I'm sure you're someone! I won't mind if you step up. I'm just letting you know that I don't really do relationships because I'm awk.

But I'm scared if I revealed myself you'll reject me

I'd probably reject anyone tbh. I'm not really ready for relationships. Besides, I like to really get to know people before going out.

The only way to get the most important part of the most popular of my friends. I have been in the world, and I am a big difference 50th anniversary, I am going to be a great time. I have been in a couple of weeks ago, I think I can see that the company,


Omg. Thats so soon.. How am i supposed to ask you.??

Haha, what? That's like 2 months.
You're just trolling me anyway. No ones going to ask me!


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