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Favourite cheesy pick up line?

Anything really! I always find them hilarious to read. Unless you come off as creepy. Then it's creepy.

If you could miniaturize any animal and also get to keep it which one would you choose?

Can I have a mini koala in my pocket? Hahaha
Liked by: Cherelle

If you could own any kind of house, what would it be?

Just a nice cozy one that's able to fit my family. :3

Which animal spirit do you think you are, why?

A cougar. [;!!!! JKAYYY. I'm not sure. I'm really awkward and weird, so...?
Liked by: Cherelle

If you could be any age what would it be, and why?

20. I don't know why really. It just seems like a nice independent age while still being able to have a youthful personality.
Liked by: Cherelle

If you could leave your place and go wherever you wanted, knowing that you won’t be able to get back home, would you still leave?

Probably not. No matter what, I'd still miss my home.

Name five facts about yourself that most people don't know.

1. I'm really not that smart. I work hard, but I don't always get the best results.
2. I'm probably the most uncoordinated person ever.
3. I'm like a baby.
4. I want to GAIN weight.
5. I really dislike my knees. Like I /really/ dislike them.

If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it?

Hahahahahahahhahahhahahhaaha, no. I'd die from anxiety if not from some supernatural thing.

If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to become more attractive, would you do it?

Nahhhh. I think I'm fine for now. As long as I find my perfect one and only, I should be set anyway!

Whom do you admire and why?

The people who can balance their lives even though they have so much going on with work and stuff. People who don't cheat. People who put in effort. Etc, etc.

If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you?

Nope. As long as its not a "dirty" job, I'd do my best to support them.

If you had to spend a month living somewhere far away, which friends/family members would you bring?

Probably one or two close friends.

As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it?

I would want to, but I wouldn't. I'd probably just leave it there and pretend I didn't see anything.


Language: English