
Valentin Sp

Ask @realvali

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ist es dir egal, dass weed dein gehirn schädigt und deine leistungsfähigkeit mindert?

das muss in mein buch für dumme Zitate

do u like instagram? how do u get your followers?

yeah, i dont know, people just follow me i dont have that many though

where did u go before ais and where did u change to in grade 9?

first belgium until i was 8, then south africa until i was 10, and in grade 9 i went to boarding school in switzerland
Liked by: Shadi

whom for example :) from dis

they dont go there anymore but jakob, rewan, clemens, arco, sophia, and theres some more! :)

hahahah soorrryyy but whooos that kid called 'yearbook person' must be stalking u like i dont knoooow hahhahaa creepy

someone in middle school haha :)

r u friends with the dis crew, if yes, who r ur friends there, who do u know ? :)

yeah with a lot of people, but they don't go to dis now

have u been at ais forever or did u change school

came in 5th grade, left in 9th and came back again in 10th :P


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