
Valentin Sp

Ask @realvali

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What do u think about the ksn article?

well its an opinionated article; I wouldn't have expected anything else than criticism of the prank, but the author has no idea what he is talking about. Obviously people got pissed off but thats the fucking point, its not like *people* put condoms (among other things) everywhere to make everyone happy?? it could have ended soo much worse... like 450 grasshoppers (2-4 cm !!) worse. And also this was one of the best pranks i've seen at AIS since i've been there, and it was fucking relieving and fun so this andrew should really take a chill pill jesus i should be studying

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Someone like u would think its funny. I can see why the author thinks the seniors have an ineptitude at life. No offence but u can be a real idiot

haha no offence but u can suck my dick ! 2014 all the way

i see it like the article you posted does... really tasteless and messed up

haha i thought it was funny

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

Ernest hemmingway, asap rocky, maria lassnig, cristopher wallace, and beyonce


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