
Valentin Sp

Ask @realvali

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was meinst du damit, wenn du sagst das du mit den allen in kitz bist?

also ich hab beim basti gepennt und die anderen haben auch übernachtet :)

how do your parents let you go so many places without them? or wiithout any adult

no idea, if i were them i wouldn't haha :P but i guess they just let me.

how was your summer til now? what did you do and what are you still doing?

pretty crazy! i went Amsterdam and Barcelona with my boys. had to work in between, and now im in kitzbühel, going back to vtown today, and off to venice on thursday. might still go a weekend somewhere with my crew.

What is happiness for you?

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions."

how the fuck are zoo's good for animals?

in zoo's animals dont have to worry about having enough food, their kids being eaten, or their territory being taken away. its a way better life for them, but whatever.

are you retarded? If you would love animals you wouldn't put them in a zoo, you would free them...

i'm not even going to argue with you. You can either believe the opinions that others have funneled into you, or you can open your mind a little once in a while :) Zoos are definitely not a bad thing.

Who are the funniest girls you know?

theres so many but probably camilla and her friends, and the girls in my grade :)


Language: English