

Ask @melimelibanana

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haiii plagiatdori , knp sih tiaptiap kadori ngebahas sesuatu pasti kamu juga sama? knp? kreatif dikit napa?

Karena acara Pasar Seni ITB itu alma mater gue yang ngadain.
Masa gue ga boleh promote acara kampus gue sendiri? Hehe.
Kebetulan emang di page Pasar Seni-nya sendiri, mereka baru share soal Augmented Reality, dan most of anak FSRD ITB di Facebook gue nge-share soal ini juga, on Twitter, also on IG.
While I happen to have Ask.fm so I use this platform to promote as well.
Kalau Dori kebetulan promote Pasar Seni ITB juga, ya alhamdulillah.
Kalau perlu kakak Ask.fm lain juga promote Pasar Seni ITB dong.
Biar publikasi acaranya makin luas. ^^
Anyway, jangan lupa datang ya ke Pasar Seni ITB!
Cuma 4 tahun sekali, dan tahun ini bakal ada di tanggal 23 bulan 11 tahun 2014!
haiii plagiatdori  knp sih tiaptiap kadori ngebahas sesuatu pasti kamu juga sama

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Good evening! Do you like spending time with yourself? If you do, or you used to, have you had any unforgettable events you'd like to share when you're on your own? (Really hoping this question makes sense) THANKS.

Dezaldy13’s Profile PhotoIG: ddezaldy
Back then pas gue ngekos di Bandung, gue suka banget kalau hujan tiba. Pasti gue buka jendela kamar kos gue yang berhadapan langsung dengan langit (karena di lantai 4), terus duduk di jendela dengan kaki yang menggantung ke langit, secangkir camomile tea di tangan, dan lagu kesukaan dipasang di headset.
I might look like I enjoyed my solitude, but I was not alone at all. Justru di saat gue sendirian saat itu, gue ngerasa complete, gue ngerasa ramai, gue ngerasa alam bersama gue and it was impossible to me to feel alone and lonely. ^^
Good evening Do you like spending time with yourself If you do or you used to

Tahun lalu, temanku kedapatan curhat dari seseorang (anggap 'X') yang mengaku depresi. X berumur 13 tahun dan belum pernah ke psikolog, jadi temanku tidak menanggapi dengan serius karena menurutnya X belum tahu apa-apa. Tahun ini, X bunuh diri. Bagaimana caranya kita tahu depresi remaja yang serius?

PalakieNevermore’s Profile PhotoKaryakarsa.com: KalaSanggurdi
Oh Mario, I am sorry to hear that. :(
Well, I once heard that depression is a silent killer. Because we may not know if someone has this depression or not. A friend of mine has this friend who looks perfectly fine outside, she laughs, she plays, she loves like nothing happens with her, but deep inside, she's shattered to pieces because of this depression.
We can't know whether someone has depression or not, but when someone admits that they have it, we must not ignore and let's do the best to help them recover. Karena kadang kita suka meremehkan depresi, we were like "Ah, lo kan masih 13 tahun, hidup lo masih ga ada apa-apanya, kenapa bisa depresi?", now instead up telling someone that they are still 13 year old, let's help this someone to live longer than 13 year old.

Good evening! Would you mind to recommend me: What is/are your Indonesian all-time/recently favourite song(s)? Thank you before, have a nice day! :D

angga_eighties’s Profile PhotoAnggada Samira
Dulu setiap mudik ke Yogya sama almarhum kakek, pasti nyetel lagu ini di mobil.
This song always puts me in this certain, mellow mood.
But not that kinda sad, mellow mood.
It's more like, longing, mellow mood.
Longing for this city, longing for a memory I can't replay.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDykB7p9O5omelimelibanana’s Video 120165762056 GDykB7p9O5omelimelibanana’s Video 120165762056 GDykB7p9O5o

Aku mau minta pendapat kamu dong hehe. Aku kan sebentar lg akan menghadapi UN ni tp jujur aku suka males gitu klo belajar hehe. Gimana ya supaya aku gk males belajar? :) Makasih

Ini bukan cuma masalah UN sih, tapi ada atau ga adanya UN, you need to study, you need to learn things.
Just remember that you learn for yourself, not for other people. Not even for your mother.
The benefits of learning will be gained by yourself, it's all for you. Meanwhile, kerugian dari tidak memiliki ilmu pengetahuan juga akan kamu yang tanggung semuanya. Because that's your life, hehe.
Dan pada saat yang bersamaan, ada ribuan orang lain yang sedang asyik mendapatkan ilmu pengetahuan, bear in mind that later you will compete with those people.
And if you learn nothing and you gain nothing, you will be nothing compared to them.
Prepare yourself, hehe. ^^

Hi Mel, I have a confession to make. I used to be a bulimic in high school. But I'm fully recovered now :) Uhm.. Do you mind if I ask; Have you ever had eating disorder experience? Have you ever hated yourself or being bullied by your look? Thank you and have a great day! :)

amandadriani’s Profile PhotoSC : AmandaAdriani
Hi Amanda!
Glad you are fully recovered now! ^^
Well, I used to be fatter than I am now.
Dulu berat gue 64 kg, and of course people bullied me for how I looked.
Even one day I fought with my ex and this jerk told me "If someone wanted to find a lover, they wouldn't pick you, you're ugly and fat and you need to be thankful that I approved you to be with me."
Being told like that, I was insecure for years sampai akhirnya I decided to go on a diet. I had this eating disorder when I did my diet back then, it wasn't a healthy diet. Sarapan gue cuma 2 batang astor, makan siang sayur doang dan ikan, tanpa karbo and I skipped dinner, always.
Berat gue bisa turun dari 64 jadi 47.5 saat itu.
Tapi rambut gue rontok, pipi gue peot, kuku mudah patah. Sampai some of my friends begged me to stop the diet.
Akhirnya gue berhenti diet, perlahan berat gue naik lagi dan stabil di 52 kilo. And I am glad, I am so glad that I did not lose to my insecurity and successfully stopped the unhealthy diet that ruinned my life. Sekarang berat gue 54 kg but I am happy, dan gue juga berhasil nemuin pacar yang lebih mau gue sehat ketimbang gue kurus. ^^

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Aloha, what is your favorite pic of yourself? ♥

Favorite, not because of how I looked here.
But because of what I did here.
Waktu itu diminta tolong jadi talent buat bantu display Tugas Akhir seorang teman.
I knew how important Tugas Akhir was, so I was surprised someone could trust their precious things to be displayed by me.
Dan bisa dikelilingi teman-teman talent lain yang cantik-cantik. Ah, I was so happy. :")
(Meli anaknya lemah sama yang imut-imut)
Aloha what is your favorite pic of yourself

ask.fm nya agi?

hestiikrnwt’s Profile Photohèsti
Agi ga ada Ask.fm, but if you search his name on Google (search: Anugerah Erlaut) akan banyak artikel tentang prestasi dia keluar di Google. ^^
Ah, dulu juga pernah denger kabar kalau Agi pernah ditawarin pindah kewarganegaraan ke negara lain yang berjanji bakal lebih 'menghargai' dia daripada negaranya sendiri. Untuk tahu keabsahan berita ini coba tanya ke Kak @Afutami aja, dia lebih akrab dengan Agi karena dulu teman sekelasnya hehe. ^^
(Kalau gue sekelasnya sama pacarnya si Agi)

Kak meli, Anugerah Erlaut tuh temen kk pas SMA kan, kayak gimana sih orangnya? tipe ceweknya kayak gimana (kalo kk tau) ? Hhehehe makasih di jawab ya ka meli cantik dan baik :3

Nih pacarnya Agi, udah mau jalan 4 tahun kayaknya.
Mantan finalis (atau semi-finalis?) Gadis Sampul, kuliahnya di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia,
dan S2 di Australia. Sekarang on her way to become a diplomat di Departemen Luar Negeri.
Campuran India-Indonesia, jago berkuda, dan main piano serta biola.
Good luck competing with her! ^^
Kak meli Anugerah Erlaut tuh temen kk pas SMA kan kayak gimana sih orangnya tipe

did you ever cry because of bias? if you did, what causes it? thanks and have a nice day!

Tahun baru 2012, jam 1 pagi, adek gue bangunin gue cuma buat bilang "Mel, Mel! Mark Feehily putus sama Kevin McDaid!" terus jam 1 pagi gue nangis sesengukan kenapa ini bisa terjadi padahal mereka OTP gue. Terus gue lanjut tidur, bangun-bangun gue tanya adek gue. "Nggit semalam gue mimpi Mark sama Kevin putus." terus adek gue bilang "Itu bukan mimpi kali." terus sejak itu my life would never be the same.

kak mellll mulai bosan main ask.fm ya?

nadiatsamara’s Profile PhotoNadia Tsamara
Hahahahaha, is it that obvious? :))
Well, I've been so busy lately, I needed and still need to catch up with several things.
I guess the life outside my computer and phone screen is in need of my attention right now, so yeah. ^^
It's surprising that you noticed tho, thanks Nadia! ^^


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