

Ask @melimelibanana

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Kapan nikah mel? :3

Kemarin gue iseng bilang gini ke Iqbal; "Aku tunggu lamaran kamu ya 2 tahun lagi."
Kata Iqbal; "Sial, deadline-nya 2 tahun lagi, dibriefnya baru hari ini."
Jadi ga tau nih Eng kapan, kalo deadline-nya ga molor sih mungkin 2 tahun lagi
Liked by: annisa alaraaf

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Aah I see. Ga pernah kepikiran suatu hal dr sudut pandang kayak gitu. Terimakasih banyak sudah mau jawab pertanyaan dr seorang asing ini. :)

Macama anonz!

Pilih mana: Kejar orang yg kamu sukai banget tp dia ga tertarik sm kamu, atau menerima orang yg cintaimu apa adanya, meskipun kamu ga tertarik sm dia? *semua ini ketertarikan thd lawan jenis ya!*

Katanya sih mendingan pilih untuk bersama orang yang mencintai kamu walaupun kamu ga terlalu cinta sama dia, jadi kalau suatu hari dia pergi/wafat, kamu ga akan terlalu sedih.
Saya sih malah bakal lebih sedih kalau harus bersama dengan orang yang ga terlalu saya cintai. Selain nipu diri sendiri, nipu dia juga. Kasihan. Dia berhak buat sama-sama dengan orang yang bener-bener cinta sama dia.

Baru bikin Tumblr nih, ada rekomendasi akun Tumblr yang seru/menarik? Sankyu

ka melibanana pernah pacaran sama ka made yahh??

Wah ini pasti pertanyaan posesip dari fans-nya Made-kun ya? Hahaha >:3

tapi jernih banget :O kalau misal pakai built-in mic gitu bisa jernih ngga ya?

Hahaha sebenernya lebih ke ruangannya sih, selalu nyanyi di ruangan yang sepi, makanya kadang gue ngecover lagi diatas jam 11 malam hehe

meli-chan, rekaman di souncloud kok bisa jernih gitu pakai tools apa ya? built-in mic? sankyu~

Haaa cuma pake headset apple yang ada mikrofonnya kok, atau malah nyanyi aja gitu di depan macbook hehehe :B

Kalo semua Disney Princess ditaro di arena Hunger Games/Battle Royale, siapa yang bakal menang? (Magic is allowed, Elsa is a queen not a princess)

Yang ada di bayangan gue, princess macam
Snow White
pasti akan membentuk geng ala-ala mean girls gitu. Kalo di Battle Royale, ala cewek-cewek di mercusuar itu, kongkalikong satu sama lain, sambil masak-masak cantik di gubug persembunyian, dan berharap ada satu diantara mereka yang mati duluan karena overweight.
Terus yang macam
Bakal jadi lawan terberat, Mulan dengan otaknya dan strateginya yang canggih serta kemampuan kamuflase yang hebat.
Pocahontas dengan natural survival-nya yang oke punya dan punya mata-mata pohon dan angin.
Berdua jadi princess yang paling ditakutin.
Yang mati terakhir, pasti Belle.
Karena dia dilindungin hewan besar serupa beruang + serigala yang jatuh cinta sama Belle.
Tapi tetap aja dia mati, karena senjata yang dia punya cuma Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
Udah keburu mati duluan karena ternyata perairan disana mengandung mercury yang cukup tinggi.
Matinya buruk rupa juga, Ariel menghitam dan mengambang.
Yang menang, kayaknya antara Mulan sama Pocahontas.
I put my bet on Poca.
Kalau kamu?

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Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

I never find genius is a good thing, I never find idiot is a bad thing.
I'm a human, sometimes I can think like a genius, and socialize myself all I want. Or vice versa.
I'm a human, sometimes I can act like an idiot, and keep myself in solitude as long as I want. Or vice versa.
I'm a human, I can even be both geniusly idiot or idiotic genius. And I'm fine with both.
Because we're humans, we can't be described with mere options in sentences.
Liked by: Proper Pauper, The

that's sweet <3 tie the knot soon with Babal when you two are (more than) ready. :"D thanks, Mel.

Thank you for the wish, I'll take that as a prayer! :)

that's the part i was amazed, how he accepts you i mean the whole you incld your past, he doesnt even matter whoever you were with and not talking abt them again. it hurts when the prson you wish to be your future yet keep talking abt past. good for you and everyone who finds the one already! :"D

I think that's because he's adult enough to know the differences between the past and the future; and he knows whoever seizes the future is a winner.
While he realizes, he's THE future. What should he worry for?

What is the last thing you said out loud?

This morning when my boyfriend wanted to go to his office, I hugged his big belly and whispered "I love you, I love you."
Maybe you're confused because you asked 'the last thing you said out loud',
But even though I whispered, I believed at that moment, the only sound he heard was my voice telling him I love him.
And that's the loudest sound in (at least) his world at that time.
Liked by: shelan

ah i feel relief now. i thought you would be mad to answer my kind of Qs. i hope i will find the one just like you found babal , mel. soon, i wish. thanks for being so friendly to stranger like me. and get well soon! :)

Nah, it's alright. Why should I mad? xD
I hope you'll find your own Babal soon; A man who finds even the darkest side of you can be so beautiful and mesmerizing.
And why should I not be friendly to a stranger? Stranger is just a friend we haven't met! :D

Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika anda adalah Presiden RI selanjutnya?

Langsung berhenti menjabat?
To be a leader is not about leading the entire population who believe (and also not believe) in you.
To be a leader is to know where to head with tons of hopes to see a better destination in your shoulders,
and be the very first person to be responsible when things go wrong, and the last person to celebrate when things go right.
And I have no capability to be a leader, not with my selfish, cowardly way of life.

Who is your first crush on TV?

I will never, fucking ever, stop having a crush on Killua Zaoldyeck!!!!!!!

Seandainya, langit ini bisa kamu ganti warnanya. kamu mau warna apa untuk hari ulang tahunmu?

I want the sky just like the way it is. Wouldn't it be a selfish request to change the color of the sky just because I wanted to? While there are millions of people out there who love the sky just like the way it is? Doesn't Getting older mean getting less-selfish? :)
Liked by: s. yanuar r.

Who was the last person you gave a gift to?

My cousin wanted a puppy, since ages.
And I promised him I'd give him one as soon as I received my first salary,
because when I was a little spoiled brat, his already-passed-away-dad gave me a dog I loved the most, its name was Dogi.
So two days ago, I finally managed to give him a puppy. And we named it Ebol :)

Is there any person you are afraid of?

I always bear on my mind that we shouldn't be afraid of people, because we all basically consist of the same things. But if you ask is there any person I'm avoiding, yes there is a certain person I never want to meet again.

were you a naughty child?

As a child, yes. I climbed trees, I dived to the places I should had never been to, I bit people, I crashed a guy's finger with my motorcycle, I dated a guy 15 years older than me back then. I was one chaotic wild boar. But one should be tamed, and here I am, your usual girl next door.

Language: English