
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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Who are the 5 most important guys in your life? rank them is you'd like.

ok not in order but
1) my brothers
2) Andre
3) Pra
4) Daryl
5) daddy

hi! i dont think you remember me, but that that random anon that spotted you at scape once, and you had no idea who i am. all i got to say is, welcome to NP my dear xx

yes and I still dk who you are omg:-((((( thanks so much for the welcome though:-))))) hehe maybe if you see me in school next time you can stop to say hi to me???:-)))

Did you got into your course through JPSAE? If yes, what did you wrote for your 500 write-up?

nope I got in through JAE. I only got shortlisted for JPSAE

Desribe your crush// someone you like

handsome (if he tries to and not wear all his weird shirts HAHAHAAHHAA), loves playing games, loves science, loves reading, wants to be a rich man (lmao), really funny (with people he's comfortable with), really lame (but funny too), likes to sleep (A LOT), bought a bag bc it looked like perry the platypus (which I find the cutest and lamest and funniest thing ever), doesn't eat chicken wings bc he doesn't want to get his hands oily and dirty (which means more wings for me yay), looks like a penguin, also looks like an owl, very considerate, kind, caring, looks out for me all the time, takes note of every little detail about me but he doesn't say it (which I find so cute), likes to eat Big Mac, likes to eat instant noodles (the always mee goreng one), won't eat instant noodles everyday though, showers both in the morning and at night, takes only like 4 minutes to shower, always holds my waist at the right position, damn smooth (when he wants to), likes Sherlock, loves programming, is really good at programming, really small eyes HAHAHAHAHAJ, but really nice lashes, looks like his father, an angel (like practically he's so guai it's so cute), can be a bit blur la sometimes (although he doesn't admit it), TOTALLY different from his sister (but yet the same in so many ways), no one dislikes him (if anyone does then something is wrong with them), loves nerf guns, loves shooting, hates shopping (but is willing to put up with it when with me anyway HAHAHAHAH), doesn't like desserts (you have issues, dear), likes plain chocolate, is a really really good friend to have as well (you can ask all his friends), gets annoyed the most (and probably one of the very rare times) after losing a game, has a very cute small little doggy (find it so cute when she is just lying in his room while he does his work), likes tori q, usual clothing size is XS (kns smaller size than me...), likes to say "sowwi:(" to act cute when I'm upset (bc he knows I'm a sucker for cuteness la PSHSSHSHSHHT), hates to see me cuddle with my polar bear (jealous), terrible at getting gifts for people, prefers me without makeup, very honest, doesn't show off his money (which I adore), likes to eat either japanese or western food in school, hates going to town on weekends, doesn't like going to town in general, uses his phone a lot (when outside), hates carrying stuff around (doesn't even bother bringing portable charger even if he needs it), since he doesn't have portable charger with him (although he has one) he will borrow from family members such as sister (who will then complain to me), likes to anyhow sit in the car (and then the sister also complain to me afterwhich I will scold him), his current specs looks a bit like my old specs HAHAHAHA
ok la that's not all but I think I spam people so bye hahahahahahahahahaa

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Liked by: _Julian Allison

Any outfits for cny? If yes what is it! :-)

ya!! 3 outfits!! 1) gold shimmery halter top with red overlap skirt 2) white boxy peplum with white&gold skirt 3) navy halter top with maroon skirt hehe

uh it actually is.... it's all over Kaihoon's askfm and kaihoon is kind of famous btw

but I'm sure other than that she's nice right :-) maybe it was just a mistake idk but I'm not gonna judge her based on this bc I don't know her yet:-)

who are you close to in the mcm group

not really closer to anyone but I've just seen Winnie and Jo and Adrielle before and Aiden and I talk sometimes?? so yeah that's all

But you and Vanessa don't even talk that much.. I bet it's just one of those online show off bestfriend thing..

uhh you know nothing??? sure we don't talk much online and in public and stuff but when it comes to talking about very personal things and stuff, I go to her bc I know she'll be there for me and she won't shrug me off and she'll try to make me feel better. and also even though we don't talk often or anything, I still feel like every time I meet her again it feels like we never stopped talking. zero awkwardness and we totally get each other ok. it's been 5 years of this great friendship that I never wanna let go off. so yeah you know nothing about our friendship so don't assume thanks :-)
Liked by: sherrylsng


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