
Jen DeLeon

Ask @jendeleon

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Go out with me? I'm ugly as hell but i'll make you laughb and treat you right lol

Lol if you haven't met me, how do you know you'd want to go out with me?! And I'm sure you're not ugly! Be confident! Also - personality > everything.

You're actually super gorgeous ! I'm jealous . I hope you find the man of your dreams someday. What are your turn offs/ turnons?

No need to be jealous - I'm sure you're gorgeous!
Turn offs = cocky, clubhead (I don't mind if you go out obviously, but if you HAVE to every weekend, not okay), rude, disrespectful.
Turn ons = funny, family-oriented, God-fearing, confident, someone who has manners (HATE when people don't say please & thank you).

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do you have a favorite artist right now? if so, who? and why?

Couldn't pick just one - right now Kendrick Lamar, Big Sean, Tyga, B.o.B. and Bruno Mars have been rotating a lot on my itunes!

were you popular?

I've always been the type to talk to anyone & everyone. I didn't have a set clique in high school, and was friends with all of the different cliques. So yeah, I guess you can so popular? Or just really talkative and outgoing.

would u date a really tall dude? like 6'6?

yeah, I would just have to wear heels all the time or else he'd probably accidentally step on me! lol I'm a smidge under 5 =(

Personality or looks. What's more important to you?

PERSONALITY! Idc if you're a model, actor, rapper, whatever - if you don't treat me right, you're cut off.

Thanks for the blowing kiss emoji on instagram!:D hahaha

Lol you're welcome, thanks for following! instagram.com/jen_deleon

Hey, Jen! Would you please come and adopt me? I live at the orphanage in downtown LA and I hate it! I watch your vids and I think youre rad. i promise ill be good and wont give you any trouble. I know this probably wont work but i just wanted to give a shot. My names Landon btw. thx.

I'm not sure if this is real - but if it is, what orphanage do you stay at? I can't adopt you, but I'd love to help in some way!

this may be sorta lame but can i take you out for ice cream one day? i dont have much money for a fancy restaurant like your other famous friends but i just wanna hangout with you.

Mannnn I don't like that fancy stuff for real. Portillo's, McDonald's, Wendy's, Pizza Hut. Any of that is better than a fancy restaurant I swear.

eww you have boo boo stains in your underwear?

ew no, I was kidding lol because it wasn't a real question

Do you have tattos and/or piercings? If so where and what?

No tattoos, but want one! (Proverbs 3:5-6) I have double-pierced ears, but only wear one set of earrings at a time.

42?! so you won't have any kids?

lol okay, maybe not 42 - but it won't be for awhile! definitely want to have a son before I'm 30. I don't want a girl - too much work lol. Terrible. But tell me I'm wrong!

How does it feel being the one getting asked questions instead of the one always asking them?

I like it a lot! I've never been asked some of these, so keep em coming ;)

Do you check emails? lol jk cool questions.

I do, but it's always one after the other. Sorry if I take awhile to reply.

like what flaws?

I'm a picky eater, an overthinker, super obsessed with careers/goals so it's hard for me to snap out of work-mode at times. Hmm... I have high expectations. When I'm mad/irritated I keep it to myself because I assume people can read my mind because I don't like confrontation. Uhh.. I'm sure there's more - but think that's good enough lol.


Language: English