
Jen DeLeon

Ask @jendeleon

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has anyone ever stopped you in public before for like a pic or anything?

Only a few times, nothing crazy.


an ostrich? lmao, really?

Have you considered making a second youtube channel for some kind of ” behind the scenes” or ”day in the life” videos?

Someday, yes! Won't have a second channel for awhile, need the first one to build before I make another :) Subscribe // YouTube.com/JenDeLeon11

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i knew you liked the Bulls cause when you saw my d rose you was like deng

lmao definitely haven't heard that one before.

omg! Jen I def saw you the other day but I think you were with some famous person so I didn't wanna come over and say anything and make everything awkward.

you wouldn't have made it awkward, say hi next time! :)

how long would you date someone before talking about marriage/engagement?

At least 3-4 years. Need time to see those true colors! Lol, but seriously...

Do you ever get starstruck with any of thr celebs you meet? Are there any celebs you still really want to meet?

No, but back in 2010 when I first started interviewing there were a few. Music wise, I want to meet Eminem. Outside of music, Shia Lebouf, James Franco and Eva Longoria.

it sucks that you'll never really notice me. i hope i can meet you one day :(

I notice you! Hope you're having a good week!

do you think it's weird that i kiss your avi every time I see it on my timeline? lol

lmao, interesting...

What do u think about online relationships? a lot of my friends laugh when I tell them I met a girl on twitter but we have the same interests, we text/talk on the phone, and skype and I really love her. But we've never met in person cause she lives in Florida and im in GA. I know it'll happen soon:/

I've never been in one, so don't really know. Who cares what your friends, or anyone else for that matter thinks. If you're happy, you're happy!

So if you're awkward in person when someone hits on you, how do you end up dating and being in a relationship?

That's a good question lol, I have no idea. Maybe they like the awkward/weirdness? Who knows. Next time I'm in a relationship, I'll let you know how it all came about. I'd like to know the answer to that too!

Do you have a sister? (preferably one that's single? lol)

No sister lol. I have a cousin & everyone thinks we're sisters (might as well be), but she's a newlywed. Sorry dear! Hahaha

4 years! wow, you must be super loyal Jen!

Yup! Don't know how he dealt with me all those years lol, but he did. We went through a lot, and I am so very grateful there are no hard feelings. We're both happy, and I wish him nothing but the best :)

i came to the conclusion that the only way ill ever meet you is if i become famous. so I'm working super hard so that i can finally have that chance

not true! I'm sure we'll meet each other some day, famous or not! =)

100 answers! somebody's pretty popular.

Naw I'm sure there were a few people who asked more than one question!

How many boyfriends have u had in your life? And what was your longest relationship?

I've had 3, but don't really count the first 2 because they were in high school. The longest was on and off for about 4 years.

Would these cheesy pick up lines work on you? Lol how would you react to them in person?

Lol no they would not. I'm awkward & whenever someone hits on me I just laugh and change the subject or say something along the lines of "you haven't seen me when I wake up in the morning," or "I don't get it." Real talk it makes me uncomfortable lol =\


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