

Ask @Hanniechristine

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Do you remember your first kiss?

Uhm haha that was an interesting experience.. The guy kissed me and then was embarrassed and literally just ran away. I mean yeah if you're a little kid and afraid of like cooties or some shit, but this was seventh grade.. O.o

If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

Lock myself in my room. Headphones in with the volume all the way up. Blasting Ac/Dc and Metallica. And just fall asleep like that
Liked by: Lillllyzzz Isa Perez

Wow, your so lucky. I think every girl wants that. I feel like your perfect for relationship advice.

I was usually the one who gave the best relationship advice but was always single.
Now Im in one and I'm happy:)
But I'm still a good person to go to for advice!! Relationship advice or anything else!!:)

u and tyler are the cutest couple ever. how do you stay perfect for so long

I couldn't even agree that we are the perfect couple, definitely the most weirdest, dorkiest, and strangest, but I'm not sure about perfect.. And that's not a bad thing:) we're just really comfortable with eachother. We laugh about the most inappropriate things, and we have really deep conversations. We never fight. I think it's the little things that keep us so close:)
I don't know how we do it, but we do, he's the most special person in my life and he makes me happier and happier every day.
I dunno, maybe it was fate, whatever it was I'm glad we are together<3

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Always the heart broken, never the heart breaker. But I don't have to worry about that anymore because my heart belongs to the person I trust the most and love the most ❤

Should we read a lot of books?

Personally, is say yes. Technology is legitimately corrupting the minds of this generation

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

Do you think it's alright to leave a baby in open wilderness hoping that it will fend for itself and survive on it's own?


Language: English