

Ask @Hanniechristine

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If you could have one superpower what would it be?

To read minds and to make myself look good. And X-ray vision? That could come in handy with like celebrities

Why don't animals laugh, smile or cry?

Actually my dog does all of these.. He's scooby doo.
No but really animals actually do they probably don't show it

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How did you meet your best friend?

McKenna: preschool, she was my very first ever friend. We aren't as close now, but she's still my #1 ❤️
Nareh: 5th grade I elementary school. We became super duper close in freshman year

What makes life worth living?

The ability to be kind towards others and to make SOmeone smile. To be able to help someone, even maybe save their life. To love positively and happily. To take risks every once in a while. And just be a little bit rebellious. And to keep one close friend to share the laughs and smiles and tears.


Language: English