

Ask @chuurrbuddy

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What is your favorite childhood memory?

i think it would be when i was with my granddad i think i was 4 he picked me up from prekay and glass went into my foot really bad and my granddad carried me all the way home i miss you baba R.I.P
Liked by: Anita Asmaro

what is one boyfriend you would ever go back to and be honest

let's be honest i would go back to Sione Fusi coz the only reason we broke up was coz his ex girlfriend got pregnant and he was the only one that actually said sorry for breaking up with me and still to this point im inlove with him plus i got a phone call from him last night and he still loves me as well after a year of not talking and missing each other
Liked by: Anita Asmaro

What made you happy today?

i think sitting with my year 9 buddies they pretty funny and cool to kick it with

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

i would invent how to make my life easier from school just staying home and just do schooling from school and they will send it to me something that would making it easier

What sound annoys you the most?

Someone that always makes annoying sounds with the table or someone that scratchs there spoon in there plate that annoys the fuck outta of me

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

Atm to me fuck looks fuck attitude I'm all about the money

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

I think I have a few main close friends but yeah I have a lot if friends


Language: English