

Ask @chuurrbuddy

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What do you want to get for your next tattoo????

Familia como las ramas de un árbol, todos crecemos en diferentes direcciones sin embargo, nuestras raíces permanecen como uno.
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Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.

Like 20 of my answers and I will like 45 of your answers, if you send me a gift and like 20 of my answers I will like 75+ of yours.. I followed you so please follow me back:) thanks:)))


What’s wrong with the world?

Everything, we are so coughed up with how we look and what others think when we really not looking at things that really are not right like war why can't we just come to a peaceful world but no we can't because we all just fighting and hating, honestly I see humans but no humanity.


Language: English