

Ask @chuurrbuddy

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What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Omgomg go back in time lol make something that can't take me back in time and do all my testings again lol

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Did you know people hate you? (I don't mean it in an offensive way. I personally think you're awesome but i heard people talking thought you should know)

omg its nice to know that people have hearts and tell me this even if you are on ann but thank you what I always say haters will always hater but hey I love my haters because of them I'm gonnr get where I want to get in the further run they are my drive to show them what I can become one day so hate for all I care

I swear you are really pretty and cute, why single for

awww say swear aha but thanks , Idk why I am you tell me,aye


Language: English