
SC : chrisnawatinovi

Ask @chris_novia28

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thought on anak broken home

we dont have rights to judge them easily, i bet they're having through pain, a lot. (but hey we cannot judge people easily ryt ? only God can judge)
they are still normal people, so there's no excuse to not be friend with them.
few streotypes about broken home kids, i think thats bull shit. broken home kids are human being so they can be hurt and i bet too, they are hurt by those circumstances.
broken home kids are not always turning into bad people. it depends.
they need to be supported always :)

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Ih kak,kenapa ada yang ga suka rambut kaka ya? Aneh banget ya,padahal rambut kaka badaii<3333

hihihi aku nggak tau kenapa. pendapat orang beda-beda sihh :3
everybody has their own opinions hihihi
but thankyou anyway yaa ❤️

Ci aku lg nganggur setaun dan rencana tahun depan mau ambil Fashion Design, tapi aku belum bs design dan jahit nih menurut cici aku les jahit aja apa sekalian les desain?

iyaaa daripada nganggur mending curi start belajar jait dan gambar. lumayan kan hehehe

Cici pas lulus langsung kuliah di lasalle apa gimana? :)

pas lulus SMA ? aku nganggur dulu 6 bulanan, aku les jait dulu hehehe

Ci kalo ujian akhir anak FD tuh ngapain aja?

make 5-6 looks of garments with our own original concept :)


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