
SC : chrisnawatinovi

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Kak di sekolah ku nanti mau ada prom night , kira2 dress yg keliatan elegant & glamour apa yah , sekalian pap yah kak :) makasih

sekarang sih menurut aku yang glamour dan elegan adalah dress yang simple tapi waktu kamu pake kaya 'bamm!' you have your statement and like you own the stage.
for me never goes wrong with black !
just look these elie saab's dresses ❤️
Kak di sekolah ku nanti mau ada prom night  kira2 dress yg keliatan elegant

kak cara jd fashion blogger terkenal gmna sih?

well, buat jadi fashion blogger yang baik yaa kamu harus rajin ngepost/nulis/update blog kamu untuk memberikan yang terbaik buat pembaca kamu.
kalo mau jadi fashion blogger terkenal ? hmmm aku juga gak tau cara spesifiknya. karna aku yakin fashion blogger yang terkenal sperti sekarang bukan cita2 mereka buat jadi terkenal, mereka hanya melakukan yang mereka suka dan semuanya itu menginspirasi orang banyak.
mereka semakin banyak dikenal karena mereka memiliki karakteristik/ciri khas masing-masing.
berartii yaa kalo mau seperti mereka, show your character and good personality in fashion :))

Anon mau beliin kak, tapi kakak ke palembang ya? :)

waduuhh. jauh bener. tapi skalian sama mpek2 nyaaa yaaa :3

Beli tas kuliah yng bagus dmn ya? :)

Jansport keren. bisa dibeli di Gramed, the Goods Dept, Sogo, atau Metro Dept Store.

if you have 2 people who you consider as your close friends, but apparently they don't like each other. what will you do ? be neutral and still hangout with them in different places and time or you choose one of them ? and please tell me the reason . #randomquestion

be neutral and still hangout with them in different places and trying to fair enough. but in a meantime i also want to make them to be friends :))
Liked by: Kenzo Damora

Kak nanti ada niat ke notaris ga buat mempatenkan nama logo dan brand kakak?

hmmm. belum ada niatan ke sana sihh. yaa who knows :)))

ish bercanda loh kakak cantik Jangan di tekuk mukanya ntar cantiknya ilang ;) Beli kain buat bikin baju kak ? Ya udah selamat istirahat kak :)

helloceicilia’s Profile PhotoCeicilia
hehehehe iyaaaa :3
makasihh yaaa ✌️

Nahloh ko ngga main keluar ka?? Sedih banget dirumah >,<

dengan sabar aku menjawab bahwasanya aku sedang cape abis muter-muter di tanah abang :)))
jadi lebih baik di rumah menikmati suasana rumah.

It was past midnight and you were in a car looking through the window, sitting beside you was this special someone, driving around town. What was the song that you were listening to?

samrisux’s Profile PhotoSAMRI
(boleh jawab banyak kan lagunya ? hahaha)
well, there are a lot of songs in many genres that we always listen.
but i love to listen Coldplay songs in his car while he's singing all their songs.
and my fave is when he sings Yellow and Shiver :)))
he's good at it ✌️


Language: English