
SC : chrisnawatinovi

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pernah pakai macbook gak ? susah gak sih ? ribet gitu gak drpd laptop biasanya ?

iyaa aku pake macbook
aku sih lebih suka pake macbook dibanding windows :)

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How often do you change your hair color? :) do you wait until it fades?

hmmm may be once a month but it depends how long the color fades :)

di CP ai. haha kita chat aja bisa kali. malu diliat sama follower2 you. hahah

ebenjz’s Profile PhotoEdward Benjamin
bahahahaha pake malu, follower2 gue kenapa lagian :p
okaayy nanti chit chat lagi dehh ✌️

nggak mau ah. lagian saya sudah follow situ duluan kali. gimana cara folback? haha

edd...kok di anon ? -__-" hahaha
brarrti gue udah follow back lo dehh :p
Liked by: Edward Benjamin

Which is your song of the week?

In the latest midnight hour
When the world has gone to sleep
You gotta get up
When doubts begin to rise
And the world is at your feet
You gotta get up
Reach, It's not as bad as it seems
I cleanse in the river for somebody else,
For anyone but myself
I'm not a selfless man
I'm not a man of wealth
If I had all the world,
Probably give it to myself
But the trees begin to walk
And the ground begins to talk
And myself
Reach, It's not as bad as it seems
I cleanse in the river for somebody else,
For anyone but myself
Hold my place
Don't you give up on me
Hold on... Hold on
Reach, It's not as bad as it seems
I cleanse in the river for somebody else,
For anyone but myself
Which is your song of the week

kulit aku coklat kaaa ... bagus cat warna apa ni ? mau nyoba mumpung ud lulus sma

brarti rada gelap yah, merah burgundy cocok sih spertinya :)

kak aku org yg berbeda nih aku mau nanya aku kulit putih (chinese) no sara .. bagusnya warna red apa blue ya qpa blonde ? tapi kalo blonde udh banyak yg pake jadi alay gitu , biru terlalu ngejreng , merah kaya cewe bingung kak tapi liat temen pake pada bagus"

haduh kalo kamu bngung dan punya alesan knapa gak mau warna ini itu yaa lebih baik ndak usah di cat rambutnya dik :)
kalo kulit putih apa aja masuk kok warnanya, yang penting kamu PD :D


Language: English