
AbdulAziz AlSubaie

Ask @AJAlSubaie

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AJAlSubaie’s Profile PhotoAbdulAziz AlSubaie
3la eli ga3d ysbni w ma ard 3leeh tra mo 5oof mnk bs ma anzl mstway l mstwa wa7d zyk h6f =)) w mdre walla meen eli mb rjal ?? lw rjal w gdd alklam eli tgolah kan swwet include user info ! w 5lk 3n alhy6 ;) w ekbr ya bzrr tra 7rkatk b6loha mn zman !!

why do they call you gay ? :/

when people hate, jealous from a boy they will call him 'GAY' like justin bieber ;p
when people hate, jealous from a girl they will call her 'BITCH' like i don't know ;p

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في المسن الحين : آلحآله .. عدد المتصلين ..التوبيك .. البرسسنال .

ya zhgan =))

we officially created a group called 'AJ haters' !! hope you like it gay

LOOL more fame \=D/ you're just making me famous biatch B)

So what about people who u made big mistakes with u still dont consider them as best friends?

i call them brothers from another mothers

But bestfriends doesnt meen something wrong it means the people who u like most of ur friends so u make no sense when u say i dont believe in bestfriends and u cant just choose them u have to look to the way they treat u and how much they like u not just cuz u like them u conseder them as bestfriend

well you call them best friends i call them close friends ;) i was like you once bs aldnya m9al7 !!

who are your best friends in your school?

i told you i don't have best friends -.-'' and i don't believe in best friends

Shd 7eelk ble5tbarat ya baba :p lazm tjeeb nsbah 3alih ..! l2nk trakmi !!

Enshalla 3umy ;p amr thani ?

Last conversaition btween you and one of your brothers or sisters :D (name please) ?!

ebrahim: ent 6alb mn kfc ?
me: ee
ebrahim: trah brra
me: ok ;p

fe ele5tbarat elnha2ia ant t4akr lnfsk wla omk wla obok wla e5wank wla tjeeb mdrseen wla trou7 lm a97abk ? 3shan t4akr :))

a4akr l7ali ;p

leeesh zagh a5la8k ? -.-" !! Ya a5i eldnia faaanih w ana o5ok flllha w rbk y7lha ;P !!

shd5l ? =)) mo zaggah m3i wla shy ;p


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