
AbdulAziz AlSubaie

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I knew you were super cute^^ <3 !! cuuuuute mashalla!! w t8oul knt t7sb ma fe a7d y7bk shlooooun w ent super cuuuuuute<3.<3

LOL thanq ;p well yea that was the old me

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good for you ;p

mmkn tjawbni btf9eel pleasse o:) esh kan 89dk lma 8lt enu e4a rj3t llbassam sch bt3eed sntain ??

L2n ana d5lt drasa '3eer ;p w al drasa eli ana d5ltha mo m3trf feha bil mdars eli mo international !!!

What kind of fruits you love to eat and what kind of fruit juice you love to drink ?

Apple, strawberry, cherry - apple, mango, wildberries

Straight hair or Curly hair on boys and girls ?

-.-'' what do you mean ?!! boys and girls ? :/ i like curly hair on girls !!!

Awwww so cuuute <3^^ ,, bs 9baa7 el5eer touk tstou3b -.-" !!!

LOOL la mn zman mstw3b bs kent amthl B)

Awwwwww :""""( so saaaad:"( but great that you realized that they are your parents and they love you <3;")

LOL i realized that when they took me to toys 'r' us and bought me like a hundred toy <3 that was the happiest moment in my life LOOL

OMG :| when you was little you was thinking of committing suicide !!!!!!! But why ?? Is there reason ??

LOOOL knt a7sb enna kil alnas tkrhni w that i was adopted ;p

Lo l8eet bnt da5lh mdrstkm w labsa thoub w mtlthma w ektshft enha bnt bt8olha wla bt3lm eledara wla tt7rsh feha ???????!!!!!!!!

so2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalk =)) la bshouf shtbi awl w etha shy mohm kefha allah ystr 3lena w 3leha w etha mo mhm bfjr '97k 3leha =))


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