
AbdulAziz AlSubaie

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LOOOOOOOL xD poor him he came late to life .. and who comes late take rest =)) !!

hahaha allah yg63 swalfk xD

Eeeee 97 97 -.-" fj2a lgeth ke4a sb7aaaan allah !! 6yb tgdar tklm mnh wla la. ?

:/ ma ashof shy -.-''

Shloun mdre keef -.-" !? La laazm tdre !! yalla la tslk w goul =))

mdre walla =)) fj2a shftah mksor ;p ymkn 6a7 mdre walla =))

LOOOL =)) So who is the real AJ now x_x ???!!

there are 2 AJ's ;p one in saudi arabia and the other one is in the states =))

Why 3 ? Your just 2 AJ in the family there are MJ , EJ , NJ , AJJ , AJ , DJ !! Right ?

LOL yea but when DJ saw my name AJ he was like i'm AJ too ;p

So your AJ and your bro Ahmed is AJJ .. Right B-) ?

LOL fe 3 AJ in the family xD i used to be AJJ and my bro ahmed AJ but i stole his name so shhhhhh don't tell him xD

3zeez etha 5la9t mn s,s t3al 3ndna 7laft bsog ditson walla l2rakbik m3ay

LOOOOOOOL =)) abk bjeeek n7rg altwaaayr w nfjrr l3yoonhom xD


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