
Nicholas Martin

Ask @NicholasMartin

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so you're a sloth with a detachable penis that's going to rape karl baldacchino... yet you're straight? Well FUCK LOGIC

Heq hij :p Logic never makes sense

ya never wana disappoint me!! never mess with me!! i'll give ya d g8 way 2 haven

STAHP :p the wierd past stays in the past when it comes to pic editing :p

you must have so much swag to show up to prom in a cardigan. so much swag that foxx il liba ommok

Xint coolio ed nejd, dak mux swag bro, dak just il fat li i didn't give a flying fuck, u me kellix blazer xnilbes, Heqq xtamel

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Min hu dak l-osm person li jismu Karl Baldacchino? :P

-.- Karl, There's something called a hobby! Go get one :p

you turn me on when you foxx il liba ommok

o.o lol it statred as a kompliment and ended as an insult :p


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