
Nicholas Martin

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Figure out who I am ! I use to call "il-mara" at salesjani :P it has been long nick !!! One day we should catch up :P

Still no clue :p

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Today you inspired allot of people including me. I hope that everyone follows your advice. You don't know me but I just followed you randomly. Stay strong you are not alone :) xxx

:3 awh thanks :3 xx and you are never alone :3 i am always here whoever needs a chat :3

wat did ur mum say :)? no hate at all..:) and her reaction?

Already answered :p imma ha :p she was very ok with it and she told me that no matter what she loves me and it's ok to be different :D xo DONT ASK AGAIN :p

So many assholes so little time ;) (I am refering to a certain person below btw) u're amazing and it doesn't matter what sex u like!! Xxx

heh thnkuu :3 xxx

reality: there's no gay, bi and str8. we just make us of these titles or "tags" to describe someone. If you like the person go on and stop worrying about being gay bi or str8. haluh povru guvni.. - ♂

:) haqqa id dinja ikolla iktar minnek <3

kif idejquli l-bajd jejdu bi ma jezistix. It's one of the most confusing things ever. Jin ma hrigtx bhalma ghamel nicholas, habba boloh bhal dan li jiggudikaw. Vera ikollok gibda iktar lejn sess minhom imma xorta thoss gibda lejn it tnejn. Igifiri amlu pjacir il kullhadd u fej ma tifmux, tparlawx.

Mawnx bhalek :D xx

when you comment on someone's dp and give a complement or something like that and kisses it means you like them ?

Or ur being nice :p allahares lil kull min nati coment i like u lil kull min nati kiss :c mux tkellimni uwx :) never be afraid to leap :)

One of the best things that happend to me at jc is mainly you and our friendship :3 xxxx hanini!

AWHHH :3 xi hlew... denks :3 xxxx

what did she tell you ? were you afraid ?

not at all :D it was really simple, she told me that nobody is the same and its okay :) and that watever happens they will always love me :) i also told her i smoke .. so yeah :)

no one is bi, get it into your head. bi is something that gays use to cover up. you either like the same sex or the opposite you cant like both

lol min mindu sirt alla u amilt il ligi o.O honeh then you got some explenations to do to my penis ax at-tnejn jibbies ;) you asked for the details xo

It s a shame a guy like you is bisexuall :(

O.o pero :p bisexual means im interested in both guys and girls... if ur a guy that has a prob with bisexuals or a girl that has a prob with dating bisexuals then in reality its a shame that ur close mindeed ;

illum rajtek miexi junior college u tant kont aljenat inhares lejk li kont se naqa it-tarag :( x

LOOOL >< omg :3 bhahah im sorry :p

You are perfect, I love everything about you, you are so genuine and such a sweetheart, never let anyone wipe that beautiful smile off your face, you deserve to be happy :)

Awh thank - you :3


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