

Ask @Mudbill

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If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?


What are you really good at?

I don't know... I'm usually decent at many things but not exceptionally good at one thing in particular. I'm also not one to brag, but if I am to throw something out there, then I guess... Helping people? Eh, well that's kinda subjective tho...

What was your most awkward moment?

I made a racist joke in class once and got burned for it. No one laughed. I'm on good terms with the guy at least.

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What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

Buying 1 billion pennies and smelting them into metal worth more than 1 billion and selling it.

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

With others? Optimistic. I do what I can to influence happiness to others because I know that it's contagious. I, myself, also have a good time with happy people. But I might be a bit dark when I'm left alone...

What's your favorite slang word?

For a while, I've been calling my close friends for mah niggas. To me, it's a word for brotherhood and I want to unassociate it from racism.

What would you never post online?

Other people's secrets. Even if I hate them, I have my own vows. It's never okay to ruin someone's life.

What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

Happy friends. Despite having lots of stuff, what really makes me happy is making others happy.

Do you prefer to ask questions or answer them?

I guess answer. I'm not too good at asking, unless I'm comfortable in a conversation. But I suppose this is a all subjective.

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

I would lay in the water for three days until the wildlife gets used to me, and then I'd catch unsuspecting sea turtles and make a raft out of them using hair from my own back as rope. But for something that crazy to work, I'd need lots of rum...

What time of day is your favorite?

I like night time. I don't like being tired in the morning but I can't help staying up. I get much more emotional late night, often for the better. I'm more comfortable. I'm a night owl. Hoot!

How to build a cave location in HPL2. What is necessary to design a model in maya, for the construction area. I'm Russian, sorry.

I'm not good at answering Maya questions. But to build a cave, many people will use lots and lots of static rock objects of varying sizes. Try that.

What makes you cry?

Cute/sad shit. Like when I was watching Sakurasou. I literally can't even. I'm weak for such...

Do you pick and choose your friends?

I don't think so, but if I have a strong opinion about someone, it will take a lot to change it. Some people have been cursed and I'll really want to be friends with them. Others might be blessed that I do not, but then it's usually they who try me...
Senpai please notice me ;-;

Could you live without a computer?

Technically yes, but will I? Dunno. I'm very dependent of it, and the Internet makes up a huge part of my life. Humanity can't really live without electricity these days, even though we don't directly die without it. Think of it that way.

What do you spend most of your money on?

Not sure, but probably crap I don't need. Well, I guess it's not completely useless if it gives me a good time.


Language: English