

Ask @Mudbill

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Would you erase your most precious memories to become smarter?

That's a sad question, but no. I will not be leeched by dementors.

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What was the last movie that made you think?

Interstellar. Such a quiet movie with a helpless feeling of being alone and afraid. Love it.

What is the furthest place from home you've visited?

That would be the Philippines which I did only a few weeks ago. Pretty far away from Scandinavia.

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

Sick Individuals - I Am - Radio Mix, Alex Sin - Spark Up - original mix, Deorro - Five Hours.

What problems did you have in school?

I had trouble saying no, which ended with me always lending money to people, often not getting it back. I was also very quiet and awkward >.<
It's not as bad anymore but I'm definitely not a wonder with words.

Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

Not if you don't mind looking like a stereotypical tourist, nor mind embarrassing everyone around you.

What's a popular food you find disgusting?

Sushi? Perhaps not that uncommon. Burgers? Not disgusting but not a fan. Corn? Lots of accessories? What's even popular?

Where do you envision yourself living in the future?

The U.S. is a nice place to visit, but I think Norway is a better place to live. That might decide what I'll do.

How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

There would be less plants and thus less animals and this less diversity. The world would be a boring place.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Intro all the way. I'm no stage performer. I'm shy and anxious but I still love being with people. I try my best... But I also try to hold myself back if I don't think I should attack the situation. Sigh...

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

I tend to take my time. Rushing isn't exactly my style, but I don't linger around for too long either. If I can't find a good solution soon enough, I might do something stupid.

What is the last thing you do before bed?

Tell everyone I'm going to bed. Btw I'm going to bed. Wait, I'm already in bed.

What is your favorite hobby?

If I can make people happy with what I do, it can be whatever. One thing I like doing is programming and making things others find useful and will enjoy using. That was most of my inspiration while making the modloader.

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

Attitude by far. I'm a personality-kinda guy. I obviously like physical attractiveness, but that's not what matters most to me. I think someone's sexiness can be amplified with a sexy personality. As for money, I don't care that much. I guess I have more than most, but I'd rather be happy and poor any day.

Do you play any instruments?

Not really, but I do have an ocarina which I can play some tunes on. I also used to play the drums.

Which is the most memorable day you have ever had?

Very hard to pick what's most memorable, but I'm gonna go with summer of 2012. I was in France, talking to some friends online in a hotel lobby. They were flattering me to the point of where I cried. It was a very special moment for me...
Unfortunately everything fell apart the coming days after I got robbed and lost all I had brought.

What is one of your favorite foods?

I am humiliatingly bad with food. Really picky and shit. I do love a good steak though.

Language: English