
Mr. Ref

Ask @KMBReferee

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Where is the funniest place you have ever fallen asleep?

Officiating a rec ball game. *LOL* I was in my third year, but it was the first time I've ever done multiple games like that. I think i had about 7 that day, and I am a night owl, even before I started working overnights. So me and my partner are in the middle of our day, the game is boring to where everything is completely quiet in the gym, and I'm in total zombie mode. I think my partner once called my name three times before I picked up on it. *LOL* Afterwards he goes into the lobby and buys a Gatorade from the drink machine and hands it to me. "Here. I think you need this." I sheepishly said sorry as I drank it.

If you could visit the past or the future, which would you choose and where would you go?

I'd go back to the past and change the future. The future isn't looking so great, IMO.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

Earlier this evening. My dad called. We say it before we get off the phone.

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Do you wear any t-shirts with funny sayings on them?

I used to have tons of them, but I outgrew them or they got old and faded.
The only one I have now is, "Try not to let your mind wander...it's much too small to be by itself".
I also have a small athletic tee that says "Grabbabootie...and Pinch"
I don't wear either of them outside...anymore.

Are you currently married/in relationship/single?

It's complicated. Trying to work something out with someone, but she's driving me up the wall at the moment. It's an on and off thing.
Yeah I know, every woman tends to do that.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

well, it used to be charity and giving oneself to others but now I'm not so sure.
Last Friday I was watching ABC's 20/20, and they ran this feature story about a woman that was actively dating through online dating sites. Well she was a math nerd, and she came up with this complex formula where she wrote down dozens of qualities she wanted in a guy and created a points system in which each prospect was judged on. She wouldn't even respond to them if they didn't make it to 700 points. Then she made a bunch of fake profiles, saw what attracted men to certain profiles and then went back and changed her real profile based on what she learned.
Long story short, she finally found the guy that reached 700 points, had a courtship, been married for three years now, and have a child.
Point is, there is no one redeeming quality in a person. For every one there could be 10 that you can't stand. So you have to find the right mix of qualities in a person that you can tolerate and love. And even then it's not guaranteed that it can work out.

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Don't know if you're a soccer fan or not, but where do you see it ranking in popularity in the US in 10 years?

as an amateur youth sport, it's red hot right now. I've talked with recreation directors in the past and it's become their number 1 sport in their departments. In North Carolina, with the migration of Latinos plus the discontent with football and the injuries it causes, soccer has risen in leaps and bounds over the last 10 years.
I know one rec dept that started their soccer league about 3-4 years ago. It immediately became their top sport. It's gotten to the point where there's so much soccer going on that they are running out of officials and rec depts are having to train their own. I would consider doing it myself but I don't like soccer that much, I call enough sports as it is, I'm too big to be running up and down the field at the moment, and I'm starting to become an air conditioning hound.
As far as a televised pro sport is concerned, I doubt it moves the needle. It will maybe in 20 years, but ultimately there are no timeouts, play time is constantly running and there's no way the broadcast networks are going to skip out on advertisements for that sport. It's a money loser at the moment. The mens' World Cup will do decent numbers from time-to-time, but not any live soccer outside of that.

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Who was your idol when you were growing up?

I used to admire Jim Ross, because he had all of this knowledge about wrestling and back when I was a teen and a preteen I wanted to be a sportscaster. But when I got older I found out that most of the media were pawns and egocentric hacks, and I didn't want to get into media anymore.

What habit that others have annoys you most?

Burping or farting around other people. That level of disrespect annoys me to no end. Also, smacking while you eat. Close your mouths while you chew and stop sounding like a cow chewing on a cud.

What’s your favorite breakfast food?

omelets. The best one I've ever had is a Western omelet at the cafeteria at my job. Thanks Mina!
Second is grilled catfish at Cracker Barrel.

Which is your favorite- NFL or College Football?

NFL gets a slight edge. I like college football offensively because the game is more opened up and you see a lot more looks that wouldn't really work on a pro field. I also like the fact that hundreds of thousands of people get up on a Saturday to root their teams on all day long. But the NFL is more competitive than college and I like the playoff system a helluva lot more than college football. Also the NCAA violations turn me off to college football a bit, especially the unevenness of the penalties in college sports. ESPN, for example, turning themselves into the Johnny Football Scandal Network kinda irks me at the moment.

What are your favorite beverages?

Sweet tea, Gatorade and water. And I'm down for some Kool-Aid if someone is willing to make it (properly).

What shoes did you wear today?

Some plain ole black sneakers that I bought for $30. (In reference to a previous question I answered.)

If Hillary Clinton doesn't run for the president do you think the republicans will win the WH?

Once again, it's too early to tell, but I don't see any potential nominee that the Democrats may have that will stick out from among the pack like Hillary.
The closest ones I can think of is Martin O'Malley or Tim Caine. Maybe Joaquin Castro can make some noise in the primary, but I don't think it will be enough if the other two gain momentum.

Hey Ref..Been a while, my friend. 2 questions. 49ers all the way? Will Hillary win democratic nomination in 2016?

Geez. Couldn't you have started with easier questions?
I hate looking at the NFL and trying to see what could happen early in the season. The Niners could indeed go all the way but they'll have a few obstacles. The Seahawks will be strong again this year once guys come off of injury, and I expect Russell Wilson to have an even better season than he did last year.
The irony of this is that there are only two definite teams that are more or less gonna be playoff bound in the NFC, and both are in the traditionally horrible NFC West. Think about how bad that division was about 3 years ago. And then, everyone else? The jury is out on them. Dallas, Philly, Giants, Skins, Saints, Cardinals, Falcons, Packers, Bears...nobody will really have a grasp on how big of a threat they are until a few weeks into the season. Right now you've got to say the Niners are the cream of the crop in the NFC.
Hillary? It's way too early to speculate, especially since nobody has announced they're running or have even been speculated to run on the Democrat side. I think the clamor is on her side because outside of a dark horse candidate she is the only one that could probably win the nomination and beat the Republicans at the moment for 2016. Any other potential nominees will be less well known.

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What would be the perfect gift for you?

No such thing. I'm just satisfied with whatever anyone would like to give me.

With concussion lawsuits against the NFL how long do up thing professional football lasts?

That's a tough question. I think football at all levels are proactive on the issue and are taking it seriously now.
The NFL in particular is lucky they moved to address concussions when they did and took the research that concluded concussions were life altering seriously. They aren't out of the water, but it could have been much worse.
The real issue will come in a decade or two when we see less and less kids take up football in HS and Pop Warner/recreation. More parents are taking head injuries seriously because the orgs are taking it more seriously, and a kid who gets woozy from a couple of shots to the head is now more likely to have his parents pull him from the team. That's only going to continue more and more as time goes on and we learn more about head injuries. Soon that's going to affect the kind of talent on the field at all levels.
I think football will remain the country's top sport, but participation will take a significant hit in the next 10-15 years. That's a problem for both college and the pros.

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Are you happy @RobParkerLocal4 is gone from espn? I can't respect him!

He really didn't bother me one way or the other. The cornball brother comment was typical of simple-minded media whores in sports nowadays.

How lucky were the #heat this season?

Very. The Spurs should have won, and they know it. But almost only counts in horseshoes.
You can look back at several NBA Champions and say they won by a close call. The Jordan Bulls, The Lake Show, hit big shots to secure championships. Miami in 06 was supposed to lose to Dallas, and Dallas three years ago wasn't even supposed to be there.
So to win a NBA Championship you don't just need talent, you need some heart and determination in crunch time. Miami had it; Spurs didn't.

How do you feel about "Peta"

I imagine you mean the animal huggers. They have their positives, as there are businesses and individuals that abuse animals and nature. But if one of them ever threw blood on me they better be a track star, else an ass whuppin's coming.

Are cats or dogs smarter?

Cats are smarter, but they are REALLY conniving and egocentric. Know why people (used to) believe that a cat could take your breath while you sleep? Because they are mean enough to make people believe they can do it.
Dogs do stupid stuff, but for the most part they'll love you to their last breath. If you feed and pet a dog, he's good. Cats tho, walk around like they own the place.

What should the nfl do to that Eagles player?

I would say they should have suspended him a game, but the Eagles don't look too keen on keeping him there.
I will mention the contrast between what he said and what would have happened if he said a gay slur, but I won't do that.


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