
Mr. Ref

Ask @KMBReferee

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Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

As long as they keep it well kept, I guess.
Ultimately animals don't belong in a cage. But some are fine domesticated.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

25. Still have your youth but still can relate to older people.

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Do you have a blog?

I used to. It's been mostly dormant for a few years now. But if anyone wants me to guest blog, I wouldn't mind.

What is your attitude towards hunting?

My dad is an avid hunter. In fact, avid isn't even the word for it. He has his own hunting supply and ammunition store on the coast. Aside from that, if it wasn't for what he caught sometimes, hard times would have been much harder.
So I appreciate those who hunt game, especially if they are using it as a source of their diet and they use nature in order to encourage natural habitats to flourish for both humans and animals to coexist. I love eating deer, bear, duck, goose, wild turkey, wild hog, and several other animals that a number of city slickers would lose their mind if they found out I've eaten them.
As for me personally, I don't hunt.

When was the last time you broke the law?

Coming to work when I was driving 85 in a 65. Other than the occasional speeding, I'm a choir boy.

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Fish, chicken, and cookies. I wouldn't live that long, but I'd live a little bit happier.

Syria- attack or mind our own damn business?

Mind our own business. Far as I can tell, it's a tragedy. But not a tragedy that we should intervene in.

What is the most delicious berry?

I'mma say strawberries. I like blackberries, blueberries, grapes, and most definitely boysenberries (they grow wild here in NC). But nothing beats a good strawberry though.

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

In this world? Beauty. That and charisma can get you very far. Plenty of fine stupid people are overachievers.

Nigga I thought I saw you riding that bus today?

You can't see then. I haven't rode a bus since I don't know when.
I live in the country. We DRIVE, son.

I've read where you said their is a bubble in sports and the networks. What do mean and what are the consequences?

I believe that sports broadcasting rights and advertising rates have shot up so sharply in the last few years that tv networks are going to/have overcharged for rights fees. Particularly with the cable networks, as they pay for those fees, they're going to want subscriber fees to go up, which will be passed on to cable and satellite providers and from there to cable/satellite customers.
Take a look at what Time Warner Cable's doing now against CBS. They aren't playing; these fees are killing their subscribers, and as such they are going to make these networks stay on a budget. They've blocked out CBS networks including CBS affliliates in the top two markets in the country. And it's been three weeks since they blacked them out and they aren't even trying to negotiate anything. Hell; they're even talking about distributing rabbit ears to their customers if they want to see CBS! *LOL*
I believe it's only a matter of time before the cable networks get fed up and go after ESPN, which is without a doubt the most expensive channel and network of them all. ESPN's strength over the last 25 years has been such that they've demanded subscriber fees that are twice as much as the 2nd highest cable network (I think it's either Fox News or Lifetime). Sooner or later, something's got to give, and that's gonna get ugly. Add to that the instability of college football and basketball, and we may see a lot of changes in the sports landscape by the turn of the next decade.

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What the fuck is this new show on espn2 ?

Evidently, the higher ups at ESPN are on meth and decided to bring Keith Olbermann back. \
They also brought back Jason Whitlock, but I think they were just trolling their viewers on that one.

Who or what made you smile today?

(SAMTS) Stop Asking Men To Smile.
I think I'mma start my own street harrassment movement, but for men.
I don't think I smiled all day. I had no reason to.

Who has the best BBQ? KC(the correct answer), Texas, Memphis or North Carolina?

Eastern North Carolina, and it ain't even freaking close. Barbecue is supposed to be chopped up, cooked with wood, and made with a vinegar based sauce.

I bet you don't even got a smart phone.... Country ass Mutha ducker

what kind of cornball says "mutha ducker"? *LOL* Be grown and curse if you're going to troll properly.

Is your head really that much bigger then your body?

in the drawing? Yes. I was picked on unmercifully for it when I was a kid.


Language: English