
Gerli Pommer

Ask @GerliPommer

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Do you believe in horoscopes?

No. I'm reading them because sometimes it's cool to think it all happens because of horoscope :D

Who knows the most about you?

Probably my brother. Or my best friend. Not sure, they both have something they don't know about me.

Kütuseaktsiisi tõusu poolt või vastu? Mida üldse arvad sellest teemast?

Neutraalne. Kui on vaja, tehku. Minu meelest on see teema liialt suureks puhtud, kõik Facebooki grupid ja eventid, mis inimesed tegelt ka mõtlevad, et see 52 000 nime, kes on attend pannud, muudavad riigikogu mõtlemist? Ma küsiks, kas te tõesti arvasite, et see tuleb neile üllatusena? Eestist odavam kütus on ainult Poolas ja Bulgaarias ja me ikka vingume. Nii lamp! Aga samas, Taavi Rõivase vastused hetkel on veel lambimad, hull tsirkus käib mu meelest. :D

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Kuidas sa õhtulehte tööle said? Sul polnud ju siis kõrgharidustki?

Kandideerisin. Mul oli tol ajal üks väga kasulik tutvus, tänu kellele sain ülihea artikli kirjutada (kasutasin teda allikana) ja see aitas suuresti kaasa. Hiljem oli mul 2 nädalat prooviperioodi, millega sain ka hästi hakkama ja nii see läks.

Which movie do you think is overrated?

I don't know any. I am mostly this one who likes those "overrated" movies. I have heard a lot of people doesn't like Fifty Shades of Grey. I love it ! So.. hard to answer.

Viimane asi, mida sõid?

Ma pole teisipäevast saadik suurt midagi söönud, kuna ma olin viirusega täiesti down, aga täna näiteks ma sõin Nesquiki krõbinaid, need läksid täitsa hästi sisse :)

Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Quickly. I am quite spontaneous and don't need to think a long time.

Ütlesid, et sind on ainult üks kutt maha jätnud, ma küsiks siis, miks sina oma kutid oled maha jätnud?

Sest nad on hakanud mind piirama. Ma tahan suhtes küllaltki palju iseseisvust ja pole seda saanud. See on peamine, eks neid pisiasju on veel olnud.

Käid solaariumis?

Ja. D-päikeses. Mu arst soovitas seal käia, teatud põhjustel ja mulle meeldib see soe tunne ka :)

Veits lapsik mõtlemine ju, et ei taha last, sest ei taha midagi siduvat?

Pigem täiskasvanulik. Ma ei taha olla ema, kes jätab oma lapse kogu aeg kellegi teise hoolde, sest endal on elu elamata. Kõik tulgu omas järjekorras :)

Who was the coolest guy you met in USA?

Actually there were a 3 of them. Firstly, Rob, because he was so freaking smart, it was incredible and he was also amazing cute. He took me to the places where I could never go by myself, he taught me a lot English, he taught me to love movies and we really had long and deep conversations all the time. Secondly, Ian, even tho we were fighting in the end a lot and didn't talk at all, he was this one who taught me a lot of English, expressions and stuff, answered to all my questions and stuff. But he fell in love with me and I didn't like him more than a friend, so yes.. And thirdly, I have to say Adam, my hostdad, because he was so funny, so easygoing and really took care of me so much, I have never enough words to say thank you.

Who is the dearest girl you met in usa?

Zuri. I also love Ellen, Lidia, Joanna and Madelene, but Zuri was really my best friend there.


Language: English