
Gerli Pommer

Ask @GerliPommer

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Mitu tõsist suhet sul on olnud ja mitu neist oled ise lõpetanud?

5 tõsist, nelja noormehega (ühega olime kaks korda koos) ning ise lõpetasin neist 3. Pean tõsiseks vähemalt poole aastast suhet.

What kind of surprises do you like?

Spontaneous trips, little presents, letters, cute texts, surprise visitings

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Who is the happiest person you know?

Uhmm.. nice question. I almost can count myself, but this time I will say my bro, because he is so positive all the time.

Mis su lemmik automark on?

Ööhmm.. mu lemmikauto on audi TT, aga automark on Toyota, jummel kui ilusaid autosid nad teevad :)

How often do you change your mobile phone?

As often as I want to. Usually not so often, but like last year I had 4 different ones, this year only one :)

What did you learn the most about being in a relationship with a black guy?

Haha, their language. This is freaking awesome, speacially the texts what they are sending. Like "wsp?" and "ttyl" and "I kw abt u." This is so funny. First two weeks I had to google those "words," because I really didn't get them, but in the end, I was pretty good at it and even answered same way. Lol.
And they are talking differently also and I think thanks to my experiences, I understand English so much better now, even if person can't talk English very well. It's SOOOO HARD to understand black people and if you can understand them, you can understand everyone. :D

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

Huuuhh, I would say to EVERYONE what I really think about them. Lol.

Who do you trust more, your friends or your parents?

Depends on situation. Thinking about my whole life, then sure, my parents, because they would never leave me.

Kas sa oled ära hellitatud jõmpsikas ja saad alati, mida tahad?

Saan alati, mida tahan, aga mitte sellepärast, et ma olen ärahellitatud, vaid sellepärast, et kui ma midagi tahan, püüdlen ma selle poole.

Mis spordiala sa kergejõustikus spetsialiseerusid?

Sprindijooks. Vahepeal proovisin kolmikhüpet, aga see hakkas jalgadele liialt haiget tegema ja jäin ikka jooksu juurde.

Oletame, et oled päev otsa kodus olnud, voodis ja pidžaamaga ja siis helistab sõber, et ta 20 minuti pärast sinu juures ja lähete kinno/sööma. Mis riided selga paned?

Selliseid olukordi on päris palju olnud, kusjuures. Ja tavaliselt on teksad-valge pusa-valged papud või teksad-mingi kampsik-mustad papud. Olenevalt tujust ja sõbrast, kes mulle nii teeb :D


Language: English