
Gerli Pommer

Ask @GerliPommer

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What is the worst gift you have ever received?

Money, what that guy took out from his wallet front of me and just gave it to me and said Happy Birthday. That was so freaking lame.

Kas sa said oma praegusele töökohale ainult tänu tutvustele?

Tutvustega saab tööle minna, aga tööle jääda saab oskustega.

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Kuidas Loore Marial läheb, kas suhtlete ka veel?

Loore Marial läheb väga hästi ja ikka suhtleme. Ma ju töötan ta ema firmas, seega ma kuulen temast iga päev ja me keskelt läbi korra nädalas ikka näeme.

Olen aru saanud, et sa oled hästi enesekindel ja positiivne ja ma nüüd loodan, et sa ei solvu, aga sa pole mingi perfektse kehaga (ma ise ka ei ole) ja ma tahakski teada, kuidas sa suudad kõikidele halvasti ütlejatele selja keerata ja mitte hinge võtta?

Nagu öeldakse, Sa pead armastama iseennast, siis saavad Sind armastada ka teised. Ma pole kunagi eriti suur põdeja olnud ja olen pigem elust läbivoolaja, haarates kõik endaga kaasa :) Ma arvan, et siin mängib suurt rolli sõpruskond, sest näiteks minu oma ei hooli teiste välimusest eriti üldse.

Kui palju sa oma aega ja raha kulutasid, et kruiisilaevale tööle saada? Räägi üldse sellest natuke pikemalt palun.

Mul tegelikult on selle kohta blogipostitus valmis kirjutatud, aga see ootab alles üleslaadimist. Idee minna tuli 2013 november ja tööle sain august 2014, tööle lähen nüüd varsti. Seega võib öelda, et ca 1,5a läks. Aga mul oli sellest ka tingitud, et ma kandideerisin erinevatesse firmadesse ja sain paar keeldumist ka enne jah sõna saamist. Raha kulutamine, mm.. selles mõttes ei kulutanud, et intervjuu oli Tallinnas, aga arstid-viisad-vaktsiinid-värgidsärgid, ikka mingi 1000€ ma arvan. Ma ühel hetkel enam ei suutnud arvet pidada.

Would you rather get a computer virus or the flu?

Hahaha. Funny question! Better flu, because I can handle it, but my computer really could not handle its virus. Lol.

Are you usually late, early or right on time?

Usually late. I am always trying to be early and right on time, but always happens something :D

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I love them more they could ever imagine and I appreciate their love to me.

Is it ethical to eat meat?

It's a deep question and I don't want to think about it. Nature it nature.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Do whatever you want to, you only live once and if you do it right, once is enough. Too many people are wasting their time trying to be someone else, trying to show something to someone else and during this they are forgetting who they really are.

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?

I don't think so, as I am playing only Candy crush and this is limited because I am getting out of lives all the time :D

What was the best thing you ever found on the street?

When I was a kid, we found with my brother 200 Estonian Kroons (it's 12€) and I was the happiest kid in the World, geezz how much happiness we could buy. LOL. Actually we bought some boardgames and my brother took all other money because I was younger and he didn't give me anything. Haha.
Liked by: Y.Z.Xue

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

I had a book named "Palle" when I was young and that was a story about the boy who was alone in the World. I always felt so sorry for him because he couldn't share his candies, couldn't talk with anyone and couldn't be with someone. But my answer is I could go to New York (have no idea how because I can't fly) and write one article in New York Times office because it's my dream job.

How many messages do you send per day?

Oh my. Too many. Have no idea. Some day more, some day less.

Mainisid, et kasutad tinderit. Mis on see, mis paneb sind seal meestele südant vajutama?

Hmm.. kui tal on pruunid silmad või kui ta on fotokaga pildil või kui tal on naljakas pilt või kui ta on lihtsalt nummi :D Ma üldiselt profiile enne ei vaata, kui match on, seega profiilitekst mis esmapilgul ei meelita.


Language: English