
Michael Mavromatis

Ask @SwagMav

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the techies vid was really good but your lina vid was beyond godlike and I don't think you'll ever beat it because it was so perfect, keep up the good work

Well you never know what the future holds

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Where do you get all the memas xd videos for your montages? I mean you found them all or you have like a list?

Internet man, just browsing websites

I know that i am the first, who ask you this question, but where did you learn russian language? Sooqa peedor mamoo ibale?

I studied in georgia, in a russian school for 4 years.
If you go to the channel "about" description it says everything there

What's your favourite mlg youtuber? (snipars,nfrkz,vagabonds... ?)

Ancientreality has got to be my favourite one, but the others do some good shit too, everyone has a unique style (lol)


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