
Michael Mavromatis

Ask @SwagMav

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If you could fly what would you do? (You have a bazooka aswell...so blow up riot games)

If i could fly, I'd go places, fuck da bazooka, make love and peace braah
Liked by: Gonzalo

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Anything 'bout dat 6.81-or-whatever-fucking-number-is-dis-patch? Mike, you absolutely must record and edit a video with the new super-swaggy-fountain-rampage lich.

Im gonna do a vid about a few elements from the patch, stay tuned

Will you make a tutorial on how to make those Swaggy videos?

Its kind of a pain to do one, but there are other people that explain perfectly how to "overedit"
Just search on youtube: how to over edit with sony vegas

Opinion on Metal? (Not the solid compound/ alloy/ material)

Oh wow ok,
Metal is... Somewhat ok, i personally don't listen to it,
But i like Jack Blacks music from Tenacious D, if that qualifies as metal (probably hard rock, or even just rock)

Can i play with you, Mike? I played with you 1 match vs you and your m8s, and i won :D P.S. How did you met my mother? :D

Loads of people ask me that, im not special, im a casual gamer yoo

Make a vid about Bounty Hunter called Booty Hunter, do it now scrub or get rekt

Might do, thanks for the idea scrub

Hey Mike. I had a decent comeback the other day after being disconnected for about 20 minutes, I think it's a match suitable for an edit, and I'd love if you did something with it. If you want to, I'll send you a match ID. If you don't, that's okay, I may do it myself.

Im kinda busy with other videos, sry mate

what is name of song in video : SWAG SPIRIT 2 ? :O

Im not gonna tell you, because people like you need to learn how to read descriptions

как хорошо ты знаешь русский язык?если встретишь русского сможешь с ним общаться?

Bez problem


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