Ask @Yongguk

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If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

sushi , takoyaki , kimchi ramen , tea , bangtan burger

What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?

1. Finished my homework
2. Trades revision
3. Math revision
4. Kill Bangtan
5. Sleep

How old were you when you started playing video games?

When I was kindergarden maybe but not anymore because I don't have PC and laptop.
/flip everything/ /bloody cries/

What makes you lose your temper?

Being bitch and act in front of their friend.
So fucking lazy and didn't listen what I fucking said.
Just reply 'K'
Late reply
Slow internet
People who disturbing me when I have no mood.
They ignore me when I was talking with them. wtf


Language: English