Ask @Yongguk

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What are you most excited about right now?

cant wait to give my dad a present huehuehuehuh
k tak excited mana pun. bye

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Do you have a nickname? What is it?

sebilah (pisau , pedang , etc ) , bila , nabil , bell , bella , senah , beleh , gyu , litel gyu , coconut , monster , nabelon dll

What problems did you have in school?

1. theres a bastard threw food at my place and then pretends he didnt know me wowza thanks.
2. asal aku rapat je dengan mana2 lelaki mesti heboh. apa masalah kau ha? bajet macam xpernah rapat dengan lelaki/perempuan.
3. some people keep saying that aku dah berubah. macam kau tak pernah berubah huh?

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

[rapmon voice] what am i to you?

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

1.Epik High-Born Hater (ft. Beenzino , Verbal jint , Mino , Bobby , B.I)
2.Bangtan- Grade 2
3.Maroon 5-New Love


Language: English