
The Titanova

Ask @TheTitanova

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What's the last text msg you received?

I refuse to explain the context, but it's:
"Yeah hopefully the train's not too bad. Don't give out too many condoms!"

Hello there TheTitanova, can you create a short poem about your recent runescape exoeriences?

There once was a livestream on twitch.
4 folk, 3 dicks and a bitch.
They caused much hilarity
While they streamed on for charity,
And in their HEARTS they all felt quite rich.
"Would anyone donate", they all wondered,
As the Runescape gold was all plundered.
Some folk coughed up the dough,
And I sang 'Let it go!'
And we managed to get over a hundred.
And as for our harmony clique,
And we'll be perfecting our singing technique.
We'll sing Bohemian Rhapsody
(Not Declan's game parody),
And I hope to see y'all there next week!

How tall actually is your hair?

It's actually only a few inches, new viewers get over yourselves I tend to let it get way worse before I cut it LOL

How will you show gratitude today?

By thanking the people who've helped me and by giving back to the world via a 12 hour charity stream :) I will be giving back to my VIEWERS by having double Nova Nickels all day, meaning they can cash in on some Revlo rewards and I can get inundated with fanart requests lol.
Watch here: twitch.tv/thetitanova
Donate here: https://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.participant&participantID=199250
Also what a perfect question of the day

What was the last song you danced to?

I don't know, I danced to a bunch of songs today and I can't remember the one where I stopped dancing. HOWEVER I can tell you that the last song I danced to WITH SOMEONE ELSE was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp6j5HJ-Cok&TheTitanova’s Video 137186071964 Jp6j5HJ-CokTheTitanova’s Video 137186071964 Jp6j5HJ-Cok with the security guard at one of my places I volunteer at :)

Has anyone in your life ever betrayed you?

So for those of ya who don't have ask.fm, it has a question of the day, and this was today's. Like yeah ask.fm good job on having us associate your site with tragic fucking stuff by asking really serious questions that can only have sad answers lol.

Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)

This question has vexed me beyond belief. I just can't imagine a human being asking this

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

Shouted at with such ferocity that they just become breakfast

how do you walk the dinosaw?

1) Open the door
2) Get on the floor
3) Stop drop and roll
4) I'm sorry Tim we couldn't get your wife out in time
5) You had no home insurance and everything you owned is burnt
6) Your wife had no life insurance so you've got to go back to work you haven't got time to grieve
7) Tim your drinking problem is getting out of control
8) Tim you're having delusions
9) Tim please stop making up things I'm sayiEVERYBODY WALK THE DINOSAUR

What's your go-to karaoke song?

It's actually for real 'bones' by the killers (I am one of the few non-drinkers who does karaoke)

Tell us the story of the lift at your uni...it is a classic story and one that never gets old.

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU THAT YOU KNOW ONE OF THOSE TWO STORIES (I have two uni lift stories) pls submit another question to me because you either know me IRL or you are a super longtime viewer as I haven't told those stories in aaaaaaaaaages

What one thing would you do to change the world?

Idk, poverty, literacy rates, world hunger, or I could have "men's rights activists" auto-correct to "waaahhhhh, waaaahhhhhh, my tiny willy is so small!"

What is the craziest thing you've done in public?

Okay so when I was in university in my first year, I lived with a crazy bunch of folks. Let's give them some nicknames. Let's call 'em the Scoutmaster, the Pornstar and the Feminist. The first one was big into scouts, the second was a softcore porn actress, and the third was like my real inspiration of teaching me everything about feminism. I don't wanna give away their real names. Anyway, we live in this big flat, it's like there are 15 bedrooms on one floor, 7 on one side, 8 on another, with a big communal kitchen as our only real 'shared space'. I don't drink, so when everyone would get drunk, I'd stay behind. Anyway on this night the feminist stays behind as well and she's educating me, and then we get this call. It's the Pornstar. Her and the Scoutmaser had stolen a few trolleys from a local supermarket and had run away nervously, no idea when they are. It's like 2011, the song 'Fuck you' by Cee Lo Green has just come out, so while Pornstar is telling me this in her slurred voice (which is already thick with a Lithuanian accent and not easy to understand anyway), her voice is competing with 'I SEE YA DRIVING ROUND TOWN WITH THE GIRL I LOVE AND I'M LIKE FUCK YOUUUU'. They described where they were and I said I knew roughly where they were (I knew the area better than most, I had family where I went to Uni). So the Feminist comes with me because we've grown real close and we're looking around for the Scoutmaster and the Pornstar, and we see these two shopping trolleys and these two people behind them. The Pornstar is, well ya know, wearing as much as you might expect of someone who does porn, and she was super pale so you could spot her so easily. We then find that the Scoutmaster and the Pornstar are RATFACED, I mean they are completely arse-over-face levels of drunk. They were not able to walk. So after a bit of arguing over the greater evils of temporarily commandeering a shopping trolley or leaving my good buddies out in the cold in England at night, we stick the pair of them in the same trolley and go. We tried in one trolley each, but after they were wobbling the trolley we decided it was better to have me behind the trolley pushing, and the Feminist in front steering. It's fine, the Pornstar and Scoutmaster were both 1) small, so they fit in fine and 2) super flirty with each other so it didn't bother them. It was like our first week, neither of us knew the numbers of any taxi companies (I didn't drink so didn't need 'em and they were morons lmao) so this is what we had to do. We had to push them half a fucking mile in the middle of the night, sometimes going uphill too. Bear in mind during my first year of uni I'm like 26 stone, I'm fucking heavy, and pushing two living beings in a trolley ain't easy. We try to sneak in to not get caught, but of course... "I SEE YA DRIVING ROUND TOWN WITH THE GIRL I LOVE AND I'M LIKE FUCK YOUUUUU", and we get caught. Long story, tough explanation, lmao

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What's the longest you've watched meatspin for? Does it make me gay for watching it?

Only 45 minutes and I only fantasise about it a few times a week but I'm not gay, ALSO go away Danielle

You speak so highly of this Danielle girl. Do you have feelings for her? Should I have a crush on her?

Go away Danielle


Language: English