
Sentai Filmworks

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Senpai...if you have to choose a waifu yandere, from which anime would you choose?

Hmmm...I would say Kanon from The World God Only Knows. You wouldn't initially rank her as a yandere character, but later on she starts doing some really dicey stuff that...well, I won't ruin it for you, but yes...Kanon 100%
Liked by: Palsa

Do you ever consider doing an online panel like what Aniplex of America do?

We have in the past, definitely. Is this something you all would like to see from us? I think that if we get enough demand for it we can make something happen. :) Let us know on our social media channels, we are always listening.

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So since the first season of K-On! is coming out on Blu-ray, will the audio be fixed? I recall that Bandai's release had lossy audio and wasn't up to BD standards.

Our production manager Luke Patterson has been itching to answer this question since we announced the K-ON! Blu-ray release.
Luke: "Our release of K-ON! will have DTS-HD Master Audio, AND we've also gone back and cleaned a lot of the subtitles to make sure our product is the best it can be. Thanks!" :)

Why in recent sets are there paragraphs of text explaining references to other anime/manga series? I thought the point of references was to see which ones you know and which you don't, and that's what makes it fun.

You're in luck! Our subtitlers Dwayne and Cayla were nice enough to provide some answers for this question:
Dwayne: The translator notes are a feature we’ve always included. But to answer the question, we add notes to explain obscure references. Of course, when we don’t explain something, we get the opposite reaction. We find it better to have too much than too little.
Cayla: I certainly see the point here, as I think drowning a show in notes can certainly take an audience out of the viewing experience. However, in cases where the humor or effect of a scene would ultimately fail without prior knowledge of a reference or allusion being made, the subtitlers agree that it’s better to include contextualizing information for a brief period than to let the intended effect of a scene get lost.
Thanks for your question!

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When will Sentai become my waifu? :c

Can a waifu have waifus? That may be the only thing standing in the way, since we already have a waifu (Maki from Love Lab) and a seasonal waifu, Yamato from MY love STORY!!:

Sentai-sempai... what kind of pantsu do you wear?

Made my way over to Art Dept. Andrea to get an in depth answer to this question. Unfortunately I was fired in the process, but here's what she said anyway:
“I wear all kinds of pantsu! Because all pantsu are the best pantsu!!!”

Is it true that the Sentai Filmworks logo is getting a redesigned? Because i saw some of them on the September 2015 releases.

YES! Our logo has changed very slightly and will start rolling out in future releases. This is what it looks like now:

Question about the K-On S1 Blu-ray. The Bandai blu-ray release had lossy Dolby Digital audio, which wasn't a good quality for a blu-ray. Will this release have enhanced, lossless audio? Also, will the Persona 4 blu-ray have both Japanese and English tracks?

We JUST answered your first question! :) As for your second question, yes the upcoming Collector's Edition release of Persona 4 will contain both Japanese and English Tracks, along with other on disc extras and goodies!

I'm sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but is there any news about a release for Kamigami no Asobi? I noticed you guys hold the license for it. :D

Yes, we do hold the license for that show! Right now it is in our release schedule and is set to be available August 25, 2015. You can preorder it here: http://www.sentaifilmworks.com/shows/kamigami-no-asobi

When will the Vampire Hunter D cast be announced?

The Vampire Hunter D cast will be announced a month to a month and a half before release date, which is set for August 25, 2015. Watch out for some cast reveals then!

Will you be dubbing Rinne and giving it a bluray release?

It's still too early to tell right now, RIN-NE hasn't finished airing! Typically we will wait until a show has finished airing to even begin conversations like that. So as of now there's no word on a dub for RIN-NE, but I'm sure that as soon as it's over there'll be some talk floating around the office about it!

Any chance of you guys releasing the bluray version of waiting in the summer?

We are definitely 100%...looking into that. ;)

Mr. Sentai Media guy, we know what your favorite Anime is. What are some other popular titles that float around the office?

My favorite is of course Love Lab, but if you follow us on social then you definitely already know that. Let's see...I asked people who are still here (it's nearly quittin' time!) what their favorite shows were...as well as their guilty pleasures, here's what they gave me:
Shannon Reed (production assistant)
Favorite: Casshan
Guilty Pleasure: Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
Cayla Coats (Subtitler)
Favorite: Beyond the Boundary
Guilty Pleasure: Qwaser of Stigmata
Art Dept. Andrea (Artist)
Favorite: Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
Guilty Pleasure: Queen's Blade Rebellion
Ned Gayle (Production Assistant)
Favorite: Food Wars
Guilty Pleasure - DD Fist of the North Star

What is your favorite moment in My Love Story so far? And will it get a dub?

I've only seen up to episode 4, but my favortie scene is definitely when Takeo saves Yamato's friends, even after all the nasty things they said. He's got a big heart, great guy. I think i would probably be one of his groupies if I were in his world haha.

Hello there. First off I was way excited when I seen you guys got rights to Parasyte!!! And I can't wait to own it dubbed. But the question is when can we expect a release date for it. I'm too excited lol.

A release date for Parasyte hasn't been set in stone yet. We are really excited about the release as well, so hopefully more news will be coming soon!

How come in Sentai Filmworks dubs, whenever an anime character starts singing, it switches over to the Japanese voice for that character, then switches back as soon as the character stops singing? How come the American voice actors almost never sing in dubs?

I asked someone in the licensing department to give me a little more info on why this is, here's what they had to say:
"I would ask the questioner to understand that the songs are a unique work in themselves, and to change or adapt, would require a unique set of circumstances.
For example, just like if you were to watch an American made movie dubbed in another language, it would be highly unusual for the songs to be re-made into that language, especially by a famous maker or custom made for the movie."

Who's your favorite Shirobako character? Mine is Erika Yano!

I wanted to give someone here a chance to answer this question, so I went over to Cayla Coats, one of our subtitlers and asked for a good answer to this, since she's seen the whole show and has a pretty solid knowledge base on the series. Here's what she has to say:
"Rinko 5ever."


Language: English