
who cares!

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If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
1950's female- i'm almost perfect!
today's society-no you're not..you're not so fair,you don't wear a lot of make up,you don't have thigh gap,you're fat,etc,etc!!
1950's male-i'm almost perfect!
today's society-no you're not! you don't have six pack abs,you're not hot,you don't have a girlfriend,you're ugly,etc,etc
(sorry for the cuss)

I see a smile in your heart, the smile is gold and your heart is the red ribbon. Together they are the magical duo, the duo that makes you beautiful. The duo, that makes you special. The duo, that makes me admire you. Stay happy, and never lose the gold! :)x

morning shows the day and by reading this i know i'll have a good day:)
thank you julianna :)x

I'm already doing that ! Guess there's nothing more I can do but wait ! ... Thank you for your help anyway .. Sorry if I bothered you :)

its okay...one last thing:- if you can't take him out of your mind,try to get into his!!
how? it depends on you :)x

I spend a lot of time with my friends and do a lot of things to get him off my mind but seems like everything is some how connected to him ! I act like I don't like him ( because of my friend, of course ) but I wish that I really didn't like him ! :( What should I do ?

Talk to him,try to express your feelings but i would rather suggest you to induldge in something that makes you happy(for eg: Listening to my fav. songs or going to KFC refreshed my mood most of the time) than the one that can make you sad,'cause if the two of them really love each other then i don't think you should willingly step into the fire to harm yourself!xxx
so just wait until that chosen one enters your life :)xx

If every life of every individual is genetically predetermined, then does nature have our futures lined up?

xxxnatalLea’s Profile PhotoNat
I believe there's an almighty who is the creator as well as the destroyer but its us who make or break our future!
Liked by: Theresa Nat

No matter how ugly you think you are,there’s someone that believes you're the most beautiful thing on earth, and nothing can ever change that. Have an amazing day.

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Thanks Elena, but my year 10 results were out today and i got only 92% marks so i don't think i'm going to have a nice day:/
Liked by: Nat Elena


Language: English