
who cares!

Ask @sauravkumar481

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Yeah some of them are offline and I follow a lot of people I'm cleaning my "house" ( unfollowing those who I randomly followed ) today . Because I followed those people who like the Like=q or like so I can send questions in bulk and I accumulated a lot around 400 now LOL :p

angellove14344’s Profile PhotoAngel♥
awh don't worry,they'll be online soon :)xx
I also unfollowed some random people today.

list of people you follow?

Oh cool :) Hmmm nothing just visiting special people here :D I am missing a lot of them :( Sometimes my day is not enough to give them likes let alone to message them :/ I feel guilty of not to be able to do those things. What about you? What are you up to? :)

angellove14344’s Profile PhotoAngel♥
Why are you not able to message them?are they offline?xx
I was just going through the answers of the people in my bio and using twitter...and I'm missing Julie too much :(


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