Ask @sammkamp

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you rlly don't deserve alessandro as friend, he's too good for you.?

you are right anon! how did I ever get so lucky to have such a great friend. thanks for reminding me.?

y do u never eat @ lunch? r u anorexic or something

this is just rude. anorexia is a disease of the mind and shouldn't be taken lightly. just because someone is thin or doesn't eat much, doesn't mean they're anorexic. check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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I don't understand why you got so many followers just because the girl from dog with a blog posted a pic of you. She doesn't even really like you so stop acting like it. no one really thinks you're cool they're just being nice.

lololololol keep telling yourself that.

Who makes you laugh?

g hannelius, alessandro, jeslyn, taylor, anahita, kenzie, occasionally my teachers...

yo sam guess who (I'm your fav)

I'm gonna guess Alessandro because I was there when you asked these..?

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