Ask @sammkamp

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why do u miss alesandro

umm because he's my friend and I haven't seen him in awhile??? seems pretty straight forward to me,,,,,

why do miss Jeslyn? doesn't she fool homeschool with u?

yea she "fools" homeschooling with me hahaha. but no, I haven't seen her in awhile and she might be moving to South Carolina :(

ok than who d u miss

um I guess I miss Jeslyn, Alessandro, performer's academy people, some people from school, my extended family, idk people like that lol

What is something that annoys you?

when you tell people you're in a "film" and they automatically think it's a big movie or something. oh, and bad grammar lol.

list ur friends with descriptions of them

fine but only cuz I'm boreeeed.
jeslyn - my best friend for life who understands everything & is the best ever who has a great voice & is a great actress who's also a doctor who & marvel fanatic. she also likes to lick her hand and say "exterminate" in German repeatedly.
alessandro - a really really super good friend aka mr. straight out of compton, who's also a basketball playing horse/pugstallion/A.D. person, who also happens to be a SUPER talented actor and will definitely make it big SOON. oh & he's from Italy which I think is really REALLY cool.
kirsten - super funny amazing person who likes to text in all caps w/ me and obsess over different celebs and gossip with me and one day we'll have a huge food adventure in LA and have a lot of fun and akskddofpdksjs
gabby - a crazy talented actress who kills it in Jeff's master class and crushed the actor's forum who also happens to be a super funny and awesome friend.
mia - a really talented little actress who's super fun to work with and totally understands my obsession w/ netflix
same 5 people but heyyyy

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Imagine you find out there are dozens of microscopically tiny people in the flip flops you're about to wear. You can't see them or feel them but you know they're there. What would you do?

umm...not wear the flip flops,,,,

wait what films r u in?

Code Red, Sound of the Sea, and one that I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say anything yet..

what are u doing for Halloween tho

idk. choosing between knotts scary farm, universal Halloween horror nights, or the LA horror hay ride?


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